King's Business - 1919-08


THE K I N G ’S BUS I NES S for which God would hold us accountable. We are in duty bound to be as sure as we can be that our tithes and offerings shall be given to those mis­ sionaries that stand square on the Word of God, and are faithful to its in­ spiration. In this connection we quote the following letter, just received from a young woman in one of the Eastern states: | W ill you kindly in fo rm .me concerning some Foreign M issionary work th a t is not under th e direction of a denom inational church board, or if under such, one th a t is sending out only such m issionaries as preach and teach th e Gospel and are loyal to the Word of God? The Board representing th e denom ination to which I belong, and through which I have been giving to Foreign Missions, I know is sending ou t m issionaries who have been train ed in th e Chicago University, and are practically U n itarian in belief. I cannot give even my little to send out those who will carry to th e heathen teachings th a t have cursed some of my friends h ere in th e homeland. I have some friends who are un iting w ith me in th is inquiry, and we shall deeply appreciate any inform ation you may give.” It gives us great pleasure to be able to say that we have at all times access to missionaries on all the fields whom we know to be true to the Word of God, and who are doing a definite, straight, evangelical and evangelistic work, to whom we shall be glad to forward funds, putting the givers in touch with those who receive the money, without any charge. We wish there might be many men and women who would imitate this group of women. Reader, where are you? Will your gifts rise up at the judgment seat of Christ, where we are to be judged for the deeds done in the body, and cry out against you? We speak this in the fear of God, and with the desire to be helpful to those who are seeking to glorify God with their gifts. —T. C. H. ite ife m SP IR ITUAL POW ER of tke Premillennial Doctrine As remarkable a testimony as we have ever known concerning the effect of the doctrine of our Lord’s Return upon church life, is that given by Rev. Otho F. Bartholow, Pastor of the First M. E. Church of Mt. Vernon, N. Y. The testimony is taken from “ Christ and Glory,” the published report of the New York Prophetic Conference, referred to in our book review in this issue. There is peculiar significance in this testimony from the fact that the Methodist Church seems to have taken upon itself the responsibility of fighting the premillennial doctrine, and in many places has warned its people of the danger attending the preaching and teaching of same, claiming that it cuts the nerve of action, and defeats the purpose of God in w in n in g men to Christ. We wonder if the Methodist church—or any other denomi­ nation, for that matter—can produce an illustration from a post-millennial source, equal to this. If there are any great post-millennial Bible teachers, now is the opportunity for them to try their doctrine upon a class of men, or a class of women, and let us have a report of the results: “Now my experience: I was educated in a Methodist Theological Seminary, educated in th e post-m illennial theory. I trie d to preach it. I though t I was called a t tim es to. fight th e pre-m illennial theory. I trie d to do th a t and had a h ard tim e. I took my Bible by commentaries and by the professors’ au tho rity . I made up my m ind a few years ago I would tak e it for myself, as God intended I should, and study it anew, and as I read from Genesis all th rough to Revelation, a ligh t came to me. “ Young man, you have been m istaken. You have been

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