King's Business - 1919-08



of purpose. Look a t God’s splendid testim ony to Daniel (Dan. 1 2 ;13 ). There is a crown of life for th e faith ­ ful ones, (Rev 2 :1 0 ). There are places, high and holy, in God’s g reat scheme for the etern al years, b u t th e best places are for those who, Daniel-like, prove th rough th e testing years th e ir loyalty, th e ir w illingness, to do and d are for Him. (Dan. 2 2 :2 9 ). If you are diligent in th e Lord’s busi­ ness, you will have a place among the kings and priests of God. PRACTICAL POINTS (1) T hat Daniel’s purpose was pu re was proven by th e position he ob­ tained. (2 ) Daniel would not p a rt w ith God for a k ing ’s portion. (3) F e a r will cause a man to falter, bu t fa ith fortifies him w ith cour­ age. (4 ) P lain living and high th ink ing go together. (5 ) P urpose and p ray er p u t Daniel into a place of power. (6) F e a r may te st a m an’s faith , bu t fa ith causeth to trium ph. Man’s A ttitud e Toward Temperance. The sto ry is told of th ree Indians who were converted to th e temperance cause. Some white man to te st them placed a canteen of whiskey in th e ir path and watched to see w hat LESSON they would do. The ILLUSTRATIONS first saw th e flask W. H. P ik e and said “U gh!” made a high step and passed on. The second laughed, saying, “Me know you,” and walked around th e flask. The la st one drew his tom ahaw k and dashed th e flask to pieces, saying, “Ugh! You conquer me — now I conquer you.” Do you pas­ sively ignore intemperance or do you fight it to destroy it? Dr. Beiderwolf tells of a d runkard

who, having accepted Christ, afterw ard s fell back into his old ways. Called be­ fore th e church, he showed shame and penitence. The pastor, however, de­ clared th a t his fall did not come to him as a su rp rise; for while he had Joy in the m an’s conversion, he was filled w ith fear when he observed th a t, on his occa­ sional visits to town, th e man still hitched his horse a t th e same post, ju st by the drink-shop. He was exhorted to change hitching posts. Some prom inent Christians still ren t th e ir property for saloon purposes. They’d b etter change th e ir hitching posts. Temperance Transform s. F rom Portsm outh, Chief J. M. B roughton w rites, telling of th e m ar­ velous tran sfo rm ation in th a t city. He says, “ Your le tte r of th e 2,8th inst, in reference to th e num ber of arrests to hand. We had 36 d runk s and 8 d runk s and disorderly in November, 1915; and in November, 1916, we only had 4 d runk s and 2 d runk and disorderly. The change in th is city has proven to be wonderful. I believe th a t 50 per cent of th e voters th a t voted wet would vote d ry now .” W h at L abor Unions T hink of Temper­ ance. O rder of Railway Conductors— “We are absolutely opposed to th e saloon, and it is incorporated in our laws th a t a man cannot engage in th e liquor tra f­ fic and rem ain a member of th is organi­ zation.” B rotherhood of Locomotive F irem en — “We oppose th e saloon to th e extent th a t th e B rotherhood will no t to lerate a member being connected w ith th e sale of liquor.” United Garment W orkers— “Our or­ ganization is decidedly opposed to the saloon.” In tern ation al Seamen’s Union— “We continually enjoin sobriety upon our members by refusing to publish adver­ tisem ents of th e saloons.” The Journeym en Tailors— “We are

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