King's Business - 1919-08

THE K I N G ’S BUS I NES S 695 Breaching an erro r. The tru th is th e pre-m illennial theory, the coming of Christ for H is own, and to fulfill H is prom ise to Israel—K ing and Ruler,— and the sain ts to be caught up to m eet H im in th e air. . . . Then th e g reat tru th came to me and I began to preach it. I was ju s t enough of a th eo rist to say ‘The proof of a -th in g is w hat it does. I am going to see w h at it does.’ I preached to my people. A new sp irit came into th e church. A few months ago I got into a conference where th e re were eight men who were post-m illennarians argu ing ag ain st one pre-m illennarian; eigh t to one. Well, it tak es eight of them to overcome > one of us, then they cannot do it. But th is philosopher said: ‘The only troub le w ith th e pre-m illennial idea is, it cuts the nerve of action. It causes a man to cease his efforts in th is world to bring men to Christ. I t paralyzes activity and makes us visionaries and impracticable; therefo re it cannot he tru e .’ But my experience was th is: I t p u t power into the church; It gave energy for every field of activity. I w ant by th e power of th e Holy Ghost to prepare the bride for th e coming of th e Bridegroom ,— to p rep are th e B ride to he caught up w ith Him. New life came. I began to teach it to men ten years ago,— began w ith ten men in a Bible class to teach th is g reat fundam ental doctrine. Today I have fourteen hundred men in th e largest Bible class in th is country. I began to teach it to women. We sta rted w ith twenty. We now have seven hund red women studying th e Scripture of God — th is great, blessed tru th th a t holds w ith all th a t is in th e Scripture th a t we hold tru e, and th e hope of th e nations, and th e very longing of our h earts th is afternoon. T alk as you please,— Jesu s as th e pre-em inent Lord, Jesus as the eternal, incarnate, perfect Man and very God,— shall come and reign, and then afte r th e m illennium He will bring th e consummation.”—T.C. H. A S IGNAL Honor The great General Assembly of the Presbyterian Chnrch, North, at its gathering in St. Louis, did some notable things: It refused to he drawn into the net of the so-called “ Federation of Churches” ; it rebuked the attitude of the President on the wine and beer question; it planned for a large increase in funds for home and foreign missionary work; and it elected, for the first time in its history, a layman as Moderator. The office of Moderator is the highest possible honor within the power of the Presbyterian church to bestow, and their action in this instance puts this layman in a historic class. John Willis Baer is the name of the man. He is known to the young people of the United States as a former leader of the Y: P. S. C. E., and more recently President of Occidental College in Los Angeles, California, and at the present time, an active hanker in the city of Pasadena. . Dr. Baer is a self-made man, of unusually strong, aggressive, decided character. He has learned to do things by doing them. He is a forceful speaker with an original manner, having been spared the operation of being run through the mould of the schools. He has been the leader of a large Men’s Bible Class in his home church, and we congratulate him as he enters upon these new duties, pregnant with real import to the church and our Lord’s cause. While not a student of the Scriptures in the sense in which some of his predecessors have been, yet he belongs to the school to which three of the recent former Moderators belongs, viz.: Dr. Mark Matthews, Dr. John Timothy Stone and Dr. John A. Marquis, all of whom were dispen- sational teachers and stout pre-millennialists. We congratulate, also, ,the Presbyterian church on this new adventure and look for some very definite and decided forward movement. T. C. H.

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