King's Business - 1919-08



prepared before the foundation of the world. This kingdom is of a thousand years* du ration when Satan is bound and in th e abyss. The nations th a t du ring th e tim e of th e g rea t tribu lation showed kindness to th e Jews, hy feed­ ing and clothing them , etc., are p erm it­ ted on th is account to in h e rit th e king­ dom. There is reason for believing th a t many Gentiles as well as Jews will be saved during th e g reat trib u latio n as a resu lt of th e faith fu l testim ony of th e Jew ish messengers. Of course none can en ter into etern al life on account of any work or deed of ch arity or be­ nevolence which they may have done b u t only th rough faith in th e atoning blood of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Rev. 7:14 and 12:11. MONDAY, Aug. 25. Daniel 1:1-8. Set A part fo r Leadership. The first chapter of Daniel gives us th e preparation of th e p rophet when he was set a p a rt for fu tu re leadership. As we note hy his m anner of life we are stru ck by seven things th a t he seemed to be careful about. If we can manifest a sim ilar concern, we sh all he th e bet­ te r qualified to study and understand his prophecies. 1. He was careful about his diet. Ch. 1:8. G luttony is a sin again st which every Christian needs to he constantly on his guard. The m entality is clear or clouded ac­ cording to th e diet and th e Holy Spirit will no t use a man who is addicted to intemperance in eating. 2. He was careful about his companions. Our as­ sociates have g reat power in helping or hindering th e sp iritu al life. 3. He was careful about his general inform ation. Ch. 1:17. We should not despise gen­ eral inform ation because we happen to be in search of p articu lar tru th . The knowledge of histo ry is especially val­ uable in th e understanding and in te r­ p retation of prophecy. 4. He was careful about his worldly business. Ch. 6:3. Prov. 22:29. Rom. 12:11. 5. He was careful about his Bible. Ch. 9:2. Ps. 119:9. 1 Cor. 2:13. 6. He was careful about his closet. Ch. 9.3-4. Backsliding usually begins a t the closet door. The C hristian life is safeguarded from failu re and defeat, if tim e be ta k ­ en every day for Bible study and secret prayer. 7. He was careful about his citizenship. He was a citizen of two cities, Jerusalem and Babylon, and was faith fu l in his obligations unto each. He prayed w ith his windows open to­ w ard Jeru salem and th en arose and did th e k ing ’s business. Ch. 6:10 and 8:27.

to be en tirely controlled by evil men. Conditions m ight arise where it m ight clearly be th e du ty of a Christian man to accept a public office and consider it a sacred tru st. Such a man should be pitied and prayed fo r ra th e r th an envied and if he rem ained faith fu l to God, his te n u re of office would proba­ bly he brief. The surroundings and associations of political life are decid­ edly inim ical to sp iritu ality and grow th in grace. The experience of th e late W ashington Gladden in municipal af­ fairs is illum inating and his testimony ought to he convincing to any one hold­ ing a con trary opinion. Christians are recrean t and culpable if they do not pray earnestly and constantly for all th a t are in au tho rity th a t we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godli­ ness and honesty. 1 Tim. 2:2. Gov­ ernm en t has been en tru sted by God to man as a check on th e development of sin, Rom. 13:1, h u t men have failed in th is responsibility to govern, as did Noah, to whom was first comm itted th e sword of th e m agistrate, Gen. 9:1-6, and who to begin w ith, failed in self- government. This failu re will con­ tinu e un til Jesu s comes and then the dom inion th a t Adams lo st shall be given unto Him. Eecle. 3:16, Ezek. 21:25-27. SUNDAY, Aug. 24. M att. 25:31-46. The Judgm ent. In stead of th e one final and general judgm ent ta u g h t by trad ition al medi­ aeval theology, th e believer who righ tly divides th e Word of tru th , discovers in Scripture seven distinct judgm ents, each one differing from th e o ther in subject, object, tim e and place. There is th e judgm ent of th e serpent in Eden, the judgm en t of fallen angels, the judg­ m ent of sin on Calvary, th e individual self-judgm ent of th e believer, the judg­ m ent of sain ts for th e ir works, the judgm ent of nations, and th e judgm ent of th e g reat white throne. Matt. 25: 31-46 describes th e sixth in th is list. It is sometimes called th e sheep and goat judgm ent. Its subjects are the living nations m arshaled in th e valley of Jeho saphat when Jesu s comes to in­ stitu te His m illennial kingdom . The* basis of judgm ent is no t evangelical, cf. T itus 3:5, b u t th e ir trea tm e n t of the faith fu l Jew ish rem nan t, called by the K ing H is'b re th ren , in th e foregoing pe­ riod. The church does no t appear .in th e scene and th e re is no resurrection of th e dead. The kingdom prepared “ from th e foundation of th e world” is not th e heavenly kingdom . T h at was

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