King's Business - 1919-08

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m TKe CKosen People,TKe Land and 4ie Book Notes Concerning tKe Jetfs and Prophecy) S2y9?ww7wywwwwwww?wwwwww^ ^

The first Constituent Assembly in the Holy Land m et in Jerusalem recently. F o u r hund red delegates were chosen a t elections participated in by all the Jew ish resid en ts of Palestine. The Jews decided th a t only Hebrew-speak­ ing Jews were eligible as delegates or officers a t th is assembly. Thus the sacred tongue makes ever new ad­ vances. The “W ailing P lace” is no longer "th e wall of te a rs,” as Dr. Lewis Gas­ ton Leary once called it in “The Real P alestin e of To-Day.” W ith th e deliv­ erance of th e land from th e Turks and th e Zionistic dream s coming tru e, th ere is no inclination among Jeru salem Jews to lam en t th e an cien t downfall and departed glory. Modern business is better. Mr. S. Salzman, publisher of the “Rozviet” and “K adim ah,” recently arrived in Jerusalem , w ith th e object of establishing a large p rin ting p lan t th ere. Mr. Salzman has organized a (Concluded from Page 784) gave his h e a rt to. God. His m o th er’s p rayers were answered and he became th e g reatest of th e L atin fathers. P h i­ losophy had failed to satisfy him or to b ring his passions under control. H u­ man n atu re is as in tractab le as th e wild ass s colt. Job H r 12. It can only be controlled and tam ed by th e sup ern at­ u ral power of th e Gospel. Psalm 32:9. According to m an’s idea and estim ate th e p resen t age is th e day and he also characterizes it as a day of progress and achievement. According to the Word of God, however, it is n igh t and all th e work of fallen man is of the darkness. The sun of righteousness has no t yet risen on th e ea rth b u t the n igh t is far spent and th e morning star, th e herald of th e dawn, a t any moment may flame ou t in th e eastern sky. Meanwhile we aw ait His coming even as those who w ait fo r the morning Ps. 130:5-6.

corporation for th e purpose of building a p lan t larg e enough to give employ­ m ent to more th a n 1,000 people. The leaders of Zionism are planning to have a m illion Jews in P alestine in o rd er to outnum ber th e Arabs. They have no anxiety about money to buy land n eith er do th ey lack ag ricu ltu ral education. The only th ing th a t is nec­ essary for th e Zionists in o rder to get th e upper hand in P alestine is a large Jew ish population. Cable dispatches te ll of continued massacres in th e Ukraine, more horrible th a n th e w orst of those comm itted under th e old Czarist regime. A fero­ cious orgy of m u rder and rap in e has broken out. In Prokurow , th e capital of Ukraine, 5,000 Jews were killed or wounded. In th e city of F elstin alone more th a n 800 were killed and 400 seriously wounded. In Berditchew , Zhitom ar and o ther places th e re were many hund red more victims. I t ap­ pears th a t th e invading Bolsheviki and th e resisting U krainian government both claimed th a t th e Jews were hostile •—th e old story. In Lodz, a group of big indu strialists have combined for the purpose of round­ ing a jo in t stock company w ith a cap­ ita l of ten m illion m arks which will establish a g reat weaving, spinning and dressing m ill in Palestine. Political Zionism is victorious. The name of God is studiously avoided, nor is th e re a mention made of th e prom ises of th e P rophets. Zionism is a scheme which has left God ou t of the program . Its leaders have little use fo r th e prom ­ ises of Jehovah, nor fo r Him through Whom the scattered nations will be re­ gathered and Jeru salem made a praise in the earth , th a t is, th e Messiah. The

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