Newsletter for Manual Edge Physiotherapy
We have been using our Class IVmedical laser for a year now. We purchased it to help our patients heal faster and get faster pain relief. The laser works by using light therapy to get deep into the tissueswith a healing process called photobiomodulation. That means it stimulates the energy producing structures in the cells of the body to cause “warp speed” healing. The laser is completely safe and has been FDA approved for some time now. Professional sports teams also use it to get their players to heal faster after injury. The story of howwe made the decision to buy it is kind of interesting. Some of you may remember that in the fall of 2019, I climbed Cottonwood Pass on my bike to benefit J Birds Journey, a foundation that raises money for people with cancer. Well, the good news is that I made it to the top and raised almost $2,000. The bad news is that while I was training for the ride doing hill climb repeats, I pulled my hamstring muscle. While I made it to the top of the pass, my hamstring wasn’t the same after that and I had recurrent knee pain that botheredme every day. Despite stretching for weeks, deep tissue massage, and getting treated, I couldn’t get rid of the pain. When the laser sales rep came to the clinic in December for the demo, he used the laser on several patients and my hamstringmuscle. I was pretty skeptical as the laser seemed like just another “black box” that I had seenmany times in my 35-year PT career. The treatment lasted 8 minutes, felt warm, and was relaxing. I didn’t expect to feel any change and I politely thanked him for his time. I told himwe would think about the laser, but I didn’t really have any intention of buying it. Then something strange happened. I realized over the next week that my knee pain was gone. In fact, as the weeks went by, I realized
my knee pain had not come back at all. We had to get it for our patients. Since then, we have had some great resultswith the laser. A patient that had hip-buttock pain and was limited to 10 minutes of sitting despite all kinds of treatment was able to sit for 3 hours after laser treatment. Another patient that had jaw surgery had severely limitedmouth opening. We worked hard to get her to 30mmof opening and she stalled, normal is 40 mm plus. With the laser we got her mouth opening to 40 mm plus. Another patient and friend ofmine had abdominal surgery and was in the hospital for 8 days due to severe pain after surgery. He finally asked to be discharged as they couldn’t get his pain under control. He came to the clinic that same day and we got a 50% improvement in his pain in one treatment. He got even better during the next several days of laser. These are just some of the results we have been getting. March is our special Laser Discount Month. We offer the deepest discounts on purchases of laser therapy packages every 6 months, so the time to try laser treatment is now. You will get to meet Liz, our new laser technician. She will work closely with your PT to get the results to get you better. Ask your PT, one of our front desk people, or feel free to call 694-8342 to purchase your laser package and get “warp speed” healing started. Tim Bonack
Because back pain is so commonplace in the United States, there is a lot of information we have on the topic. Below are some facts about back pain: • Back pain is the number one disability for those under age 45. • In the United States alone, there are an expected 31 million people with lower back pain at any given time. • Back pain runs second, only after the common cold, as the top reason for visiting a healthcare provider in the United States. • Experts place the likelihood of any person to experience some type of back problem in their lifetime at about 80%. That’s four out of every five people! • 30-40 percent of all workplace absences are due to back pain. • Approximately one quarter of U.S. adults reported having low back pain lasting at least one whole day in the past three months, and 7.6% reported at least one episode of severe acute low back pain within a one-year period. • More than two-thirds of back strains are caused by lifting and other exertions, such as pulling and pushing. • Most cases of back pain are mechanical—meaning they are NOT caused by serious conditions, such as infection, fracture, or cancer.
According to the American Physical Therapy Association, back pain is the most commonly experienced type of pain across the United States. In fact, one in every four Americans has experienced back pain within the last three months. The type of pain felt in your back can vary, from a slight nagging ache to crippling, shooting pains. Because of this, it is no secret that back pain can limit you from enjoying your daily life to the fullest. Fortunately, Manual Edge Physiotherapy can get you the help you need so you can improve your quality of life! Did you know this about back pain? “Back pain” is an all-encompassing term used to describe a vast number of conditions that cause pain in the upper or lower back. Sports-related injuries, poor posture, and car accidents are just a few of the many ways that someone can develop back pain. The most common cause of back pain is from sustaining an injury. This can happen in one of two ways - from an instant, sudden trauma, or from a repetitive-use injury that develops gradually over time.
If you are experiencing aches and pains, our physical therapists would be more than happy to meet with you for a consultation to discuss how they can help. Call us today to talk to an expert about how we can relieve your aches and pains!
Call Today 719-694-8342
While consulting with a physical therapist is the first step in finding relief, there are a few tips you can also try on your own, in order to relieve your back pain at home. This can help alleviate pain that may occur while you’re away from the clinic and help prevent it from worsening: 1. Get more exercise. If your back is hurting, you may think the best way to get relief is to rest. However, studies show that frequent changes in position and regular physical activity can actually help ease inflammation and muscle tension faster in the back. 2. Maintain a healthy weight. Extra pounds, especially in your midsection, can make back pain worse by shifting your center of gravity and putting a strain on your lower back. Maintaining a healthy weight can help control back pain and will provide additional health benefits. 3. Improve your posture. Posture is important, whether you’re working, exercising, or simply relaxing. Find a good chair to sit on that will allow you to keep your feet flat on the floor while you sit. Try to avoid soft couches or chairs that put you in a slouched
position. When standing, try to alternate your positions and walk around if possible. Have one foot forward when standing, alternating between feet every 10 minutes. 4. Watch how you lift. It is a common mistake to lift with your back, rather than your legs. Make sure you don’t bend over at the waist to lift heavy objects. Instead, bend your knees and squat, pulling in your stomach muscles and holding the object close to your body as you stand up. Don’t twist your body while lifting. If you can, push heavy objects, rather than pulling them. 5. Use supportive shoes. A good pair of cushioned shoes can reduce pressure on your back. When possible, avoid wearing high heels, as they shift your center of gravity and strain your lower back. If you have been suffering from back pain and the tips above aren’t working, contact Manual Edge Physiotherapy today. Your physical therapist will work with you to address and treat the underlying cause of your back pain. No matter how severe it may be, we can help you find relief so you can get back to doing the activities you love and living your life comfortably!
Manual Edge is committed to the health and wellbeing of you and your family. In the wake of the recent spread of COVID-19, also known as the novel coronavirus, we are taking every precaution. Before and after every session we are asking our clients and staff to wash or sanitize their hands. Additionally, we have increased the number of times per day that we sanitize our equipment and facility. To do your part to prevent the spread of this contagious disease, we ask patients that if you are demonstrating symptoms of coronavirus— coughing, sneezing or fever—to please stay home. Additionally, if you or your family has been exposed to someone who has a confirmed case of the virus, please notify us immediately, so we can take the necessary steps. Your cooperation in this tough time is what makes us able to continue to provide valuable services to you and your family. We appreciate your ongoing support. Our clinic features individual treatment rooms that are cleaned after each session for maximum safety.
Helps with Back Pain
SWAN DIVE Lay on stomach with your arms overhead. Press your chest upwards, keeping the muscles in your trunk and legs relaxed. Repeat 6 times.
Manual Edge Physiotherapy offers the latest tools in rehabi l itation, including Laser Therapy! To learn more about how Laser Therapy can help you, visit
Take 50% off your purchase of a laser package during the month of March. Book your treatment now!
Amy landed in Colorado in 2018. She has 25+ years of Customer Service experience and many years working in the medical profession. She is married to husband Chris, and has 4 adult children. In her free time she enjoys camping, binge watching movies/shows with her husband, spending time with her dogs, and cooking.
• 1 pound pasta • 3–4 c fresh peas
• 2 lemons – zest and ¼ c juice • 2 c fresh pea shoots • 1 tsp salt, plus more to taste • ½ tsp pepper • 1 tbsp truffle oil • Optional- goat cheese crumbles
• 5 scallions, thinly sliced • 1 shallot, very finely diced • 1 c chopped fresh mint • 1 c chopped Italian parsley • ½ c olive oil
Liz grew up in Pueblo and graduated from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs with a BS in Biochemistry. She worked in various production chemistry labs in Colorado for several years. In Steamboat Springs she rediscovered her love of long-distance running and the mountains. Liz has climbed all 54 of Colorado’s 14-thousand foot peaks and completed 2 ultramarathons. This increase in physical demand led her to seek out physical therapy for her own injuries and inspired her to pursue physical therapy as a career. She is currently taking prerequisite classes from UCCS and plans to apply to several programs this fall. In her free time, she enjoys trail running, skiing, climbing, painting, cooking, and spoiling her roommate’s pets.
Boil pasta in a generous amount of salted water according to directions. While the pasta is cooking, prep the rest of the ingredients. Chop the scallions, shallots and herbs. Zest two lemons, and measure out ¼ cup lemon juice. Once the pasta is just about done, add the peas to the boiling pasta water and blanch for oneminute, or just until bright green. Immediately drain, place pasta and peas in large bowl, drizzle with olive oil, lemon juice and season with 1 tsp salt and½ tsp pepper. Toss in the pea shoots and add the scallions, shallot, herbs and lemon zest. Stir Taste, adjusting salt and lemon juice, adding more of both, if necessary. Drizzle with truffle oil and serve immediately.
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