Healthy body
is a dream, a desire for everyone but only few are there in this world blessed naturally with it. Some people possess such genes that doesn’t allow them to get fat no matter how much they eat, in how much amount they eat nothing actually affects them. Whereas there are some people with genes who get fat by just drinking water. You see that is the problem here. We connect being healthy with not being fat or not being too skinny. That is not the definition of healthy. Healthy is a body that has proper, active functioning organs with low to minimal vulnerability towards catching diseases and the body which glows internally. Being healthy is not at all relative to being fat or being skinny. Rather it is related to being happy and active by all means. Healthy bodies can either be achieved by healthy diets that flushes out toxins from your body internally keeping it hydrated, breathing and active. Or it can be achieved from exercise. A lot of people have a hard time sticking to a rigid schedule of exercises, workouts and gym classes because they are actually stressful. Not all of us have time to spare for such extra activities. Although exercise is a very important aspect that should be, must be a part of our daily routine. About exercise we all have some misconceptions. They do not always have to be carried out with weights and machines. Exercises are more than that. Machines and weights are just the alternates. If followed the right steps of exercises from an early age, there is no need of weights and machines. Keep the following exercises in your daily routine and you will never feel unhealthy.
The first thing in the morning, get up and go running. Running boosts metabolism. When you wake up from your night sleep, it is the time to wake your body up as well. Your body tends to feel slightly lazy after waking up and the best solution to wake it up is to go for a run. Running has proven to be a healthy exercise to fight mental illnesses as well. It fights stress, anxiety, thoughts that pin your mind and provides you with a sense of relief and calm. It helps build up your calve muscles as well. Joint muscles are also strengthened and it increases cardiovascular fitness. Your heart is in the healthiest state when you are on a run. But don’t overdo it. Keep track and keep it short.
Laughter is indeed the best medicine. Laughing carelessly stimulates the heart, muscles, and lungs. It keeps your heart actually happy and healthy at the same time. Laughter increases the level of endorphins in your brain which makes you fight stress and all the pressure you feel. It makes you calm and peaceful. Laughter fills you with happy hormones so laugh it out, laugh out loud!
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