3.4.1 Areas of Activity (Nodes)
The dominant area of activity (node) pattern in the study area is Modern Suburban. Emphasizing large superblocks (combined blocks) or single-purpose destinations. Major corridors in the area are large arterial roads and expressways. These also tend to connect areas of activity (nodes). Compact urban patterns were found in Gibsonton, Ruskin, and Wimauma. Gibsonton and Ruskin’s grid networks ar e split by US 41. Most destinations within areas of activity (nodes) are adjacent to major north-south corridors, such as US 41, US 301, and I-75. Major east-west corridors include Gibsonton Dr., Big Bend Rd., and Sun City Blvd. There is no major east-west greenway. No greenway trails connect areas of activity (nodes). Most travel activity that originates in the study area is between zones: 77% between zones; 18% leaving through north US41, US301, and I-75; and 4% leaving through south US41, US301, and I-75. Even when trips entering through the north or south gates are included, 63% of the trips are between zones. For personal trips, 20% of traffic entering the zones arrives from outside of the study area, 72% from other zones within the study area. For personal trips, 26% of trips within study area start and end at the same zone. 42% for Apollo Beach, 47% for Fishhawk, and 50% for Sun City Center begin and end in those same zones. Approximately 26% of personal trips within the study area begin and end at the same internal zones. When nodal zones are removed, this increases to 32%. The majority of personal activity within the study area (36%) takes place during the mid- day from 10am to 3pm. The majority of personal activity entering study (34%) area through the gates occurs between 3pm and 5pm Activity leaving the study area through the gates occurs throughout the day, but the majority of personal trips (32%) occur during the mid-day from 10am to 3pm. The Riverview, Riverview & Balm, and Fishhawk zones produce the most total origin traffic, and destination traffic. Sun City Center produces the most in the southern portion of the study area. Nodal zones Gibsonton Dr. & I-75, I-75 & SR 674, and Big Bend East produce the most activity within and outside the study area. Most personal trips within, leaving, and entering the study area were Home-Based Other (~46% on average), and for Home-Based Work (~21%).
3.4.2 OD Analysis
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