The most active nodal zone is at the intersection of Gibsonton Drive and I-75. This is a major destination for shopping, entertainment and employment. This pattern is also reflected as the main destination zones presented in Table 17. The second most active nodal zone is area of activity (node) Big Bend East, which is an important destination for trips originating from the Riverview & Balm zone. Regardless of activity, the majority of trips to any area of activity (node) originated within the study area (see Table 18). Sun City Center is the most active area in the southern portion of the zone, and also has the most internal activity where trips start and end in the same zone (see Table 19). The most active area of activity (node) in the southern part of the study area is Area of Activity (Node) I- 75 and SR674 (SR 674 is also Sun City Boulevard or East College Ave). This area of activity (node) encompassed the Amazon Distribution Center, and South Bay Hospital, two major destinations in that part of the county; but also included shopping and entertainment destinations. The estimated commercial activity reflected the personal activity with the exception of the Port Area zone. There was little personal activity in this zone, but was in the top ten for the origin and destination of commercial activity. The Apollo Beach zone incorporated the Apollo Beach area of activity (node) and residential area. Slightly less than half the trips begin and end in within this same zone. It is likely that trips within this zone are related to the areas of activity (nodes) located at the intersection of Apollo Beach Boulevard and US 41. Table 18. Personal Trips Originating within Study Area that End in Study Area Areas of Activity (Nodes) Area of Activity (Node) Zone Label Percentage* Area of Activity (Node) Big Bend West 66% Area of Activity (Node) Big Bend East 66% Area of Activity (Node) I-75 & sR674 63% Area of Activity (Node) Ruskin 60% Area of Activity (Node) Gibsonton Dr. & I-75 49% Area of Activity (Node) Gibsonton & US41 49%
*excludes trips beginning and ending within area of activity (node). Source: StreetlightData, Inc.
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