South County Integrated Mobility Study

4.4 Gibsonton

4.4.1 Gibsonton Drive Area of Activity (Node) Gibsonton Dr. includes three major modern suburban areas of activity (nodes), and a connected suburban area of activity (node) north on US 301 (Figure 74). The connected suburban area of activity (node) overlaps with a proposed town center and has a mix of commercial and residential areas. The modern suburban area of activity (node) at the intersection of US 301 and Gibsonton Dr. is primarily retail, entertainment, and office spaces. The modern suburban area of activity (node) to the east of I-75 is primarily commercial with a single entry point from Gibsonton Dr. Finally, the modern suburban area of activity (node) to the west of I-75 is primarily retail, and entertainment. Gibsonton Dr. is the main east-west corridor connecting these areas of activity (nodes) with Gibsonton, Riverview, and Fishhawk. There is an existing HART Route along this corridor, and a proposed mobility hub in the area of activity (node). I-75 and the segment where US 301 crosses the river are major gates for north-south traffic in this area. The existing greenway stops at Gibsonton Dr.


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