South County Integrated Mobility Study

Table 4. Example Calculation for the Cycling Accessibility Index

Example Values for Calculation *

Walking Accessibility Index Result

Services Criteria = .199 Network Criteria = 0

Bikelane Length Criteria = 0 Local Roads Criteria = .198 Barriers = .40 Gaps in Sidewalks and Bikelanes = 1.0 Walking Time = .394 Weights for Each Criteria = 1,1,1,1,.5,.5,.5 Description: this cell had a low number of services within a mile of the services, no bikelanes, and was close to a major barrier (I- 75).

(1*.199+1*0+1*0+1*.198)-.5*.4-.5*1.0- .5*.394 / (1+1+1+.5+.5+.5) = -.091

-.091 is <.5 Standard Deviations and classified as No Potential

* All values are scaled to a range of 0 to 1 for combining.

Table 5. Criteria used to develop the Transit Accessibility and Coverage Index.



HART Route HART Stops

Length of HART route within grid cell. Number of HART stops within a grid cell.

Density of residential parcels within a ¼ mile of the center of the grid cell (based on DOR code). Density of nonresidential parcels within a ¼ mile of the center of the grid cell (based on DOR code). Subtract the estimated walking time from the combination above.



Walking time

Table 6. Criteria used to develop the Barrier Index.



Length of major roadway and number of lanes within a grid cell.



Length of railroad within a grid cell


Percentage of the cell covered with water.

For the Sidewalk Gap Index (Table 7), the length of existing roadways within a cell is divided by the combined length of sidewalks and roadways. This results in an index ranging from zero to one, with one indicating the absence of sidewalks, and the lowest values indicating the presence of sidewalks on both sides of a roadway. An area where the sidewalk covers only one side of a roadway is assigned a value of .5. Areas with no roadway were automatically assigned


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