South County Integrated Mobility Study

2.2.3 Transit Coverage and Accessibility

Areas covered by transit service and their accessibility are presented in Figure 6. This figure should be considered in conjunction with Figure 2 and Figure 3, which present walking and transit times. The areas of high potential represent areas with existing HART bus stops and relatively dense residential population and services within less than a 30-minute walking distance of these stops. The moderate potential category represents areas with the potential to be serviced by transit in light of the existing residential and service density and walking time to the nearest transit stop. They have a high residential density but are more than 30-minutes walking distance from existing stops and services. The low to no potential categories represent regions with very limited or no potential to be served by transit given long walking times to the nearest transit stop, or relatively low residential and service densities. These categories are predominantly east of the study area. Considering Figure 3, it would take between one and two hours for most of the study region to reach the Marion Transit Center in Downtown Tampa. This estimate includes the time to walk to the bus stop. A small part of Riverview may be able to reach Downtown Tampa within an hour.


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