Figure 13. Severe crashes in Apollo Beach Source: Hillsborough MPO, 2019
High speeds and a high volume of traffic create barriers to safe bicycle and pedestrian travel and undoubtedly contribute to the high number of bicycle and pedestrian crashes on US 41 and Apollo Beach Boulevard. In addition, other factors such as lack of safe crossing opportunities, barriers caused by waterways, and gaps in the bicycle and pedestrian network, compound safety and mobility issues. For example, residents living in Island Walk are adjacent to an area of activity with restaurants, shopping, and services. However, they can only access this area by traveling more than ½-mile on Apollo Beach Boulevard by way of Golf and Sea Boulevard, as illustrated in Figure 14. Pedestrian bridges are one option to improve access between residential areas and nearby areas of non-residential activity. A pedestrian bridge coupled with attention to bicycle and pedestrian facilities for circulation with the area of activity would shorten non-motorized trip lengths (to less than ¼-mile in some areas) and reduce conflicts between motorists and pedestrian/bicyclists.
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