Transit Accessibility
Cycling Accessibility
Walking Accessibility
Figure 37. Gibsonton multimodal accessibility and barriers
Overall, limited sidewalk connectivity between residential neighborhoods and areas of activity coupled with limited opportunities for safe pedestrian crossing on high-speed roadways such as Gibsonton Drive and US 41 contribute to an unsafe bicycle and pedestrian network. A disconnected roadway network results in longer trips and high volumes of traffic compound bicycle and pedestrian safety issues. Existing barriers identified include US 41, I-75, Symmes Road and the railroad. Generally, bus stops have good access to sidewalks with a few exceptions at US 41 and Gibsonton Drive, and US 41 and Symmes Road, although additional amities such as shelters, paved landing areas, and seating can create a more comfortable experience for transit users. Crash data identified a high number of crashes along roadway segments with bus stops increasing safety concerns related to first-mile last-mile travel for transit users. Sidewalks are under construction along US 41 where gaps in the sidewalk network have been identified. These newly constructed sidewalks can improve bicycle and pedestrian safety along US 41.
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