be seen along segments of Gibsonton Drive/Boyette Road, and McMullen Road at the intersection of Boyette Road. Roadway. Roadways that have a low barrier index include Symmes Road, Balm Riverview Road, and Mc Mullen Road.
Transit Accessibility
Cycling Accessibility
Walking Accessibility
Figure 62. Riverview: multimodal accessibility and barriers
Overall, the multimodal inventory and accessibility assessment for Riverview identifies areas in the community with multimodal safety and connectivity issues. Some of these issues include limited bike lanes, poor connectivity between existing bike lanes, gaps in the sidewalk network and areas with limited opportunity for safe bicycle and pedestrian crossing. These limitations in the bicycle and pedestrian network coupled with wide high-speed roadways make bicycle and pedestrian travel between neighborhoods and areas of activity difficult. Additionally, although most transit stops in Riverview have access to sidewalks and crosswalks, transit users traveling along, or trying to cross major roadways such as Gibsonton Drive/Boyette Road and Big Bend Road are still exposed to potential risks from motorists traveling at high speeds. Filling gaps in the sidewalk network, providing a more robust bicycle network, improving connectivity of the
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