The site has a commercial or office land use or zoning designation, and is adjacent to a parcel with a commercial or office land use designation or zoning that has access on the same roadway. Pedestrian cross-access must also be provided between adjacent sites with a land use or zoning designation of commercial or office and/or those allowing 12 dwelling units per acre or more. Access Class 1 refers to Interstate highways, and therefore is not applicable. When these criteria are met and in the opinion of Hillsborough County, cross-access is feasible, then cross-access must be designed and built to the property line of the adjacent parcel (whether it is developed or not). If the adjacent site is developed but, in the opinion of Hillsborough County, cross-access is not feasible at the time, then the applicant may simply design and designate the location of future cross access on the site plan. The owner must commit, in writing, to construct and allow cross- access “at such time as Hillsborough County determines that cross- access is feasible and desirable.” The minimum width of a vehicular cross-access is 24 feet, and the minimum width of a pedestrian cross-access is five feet. Shared access facilities onto arterial and collector streets are also encouraged when two or more contiguous sites are planned for compatible uses. Shared access is noted as desirable where the trip generation from the anticipated land uses will not be large enough to warrant a traffic signal (Section 6.04.03(D)).
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