Figure 70. Street network connectivity and access Source: Model Regulations and Plan Amendments for Multimodal Districts, 2004.
Some policies specific to street network development in South County are provided in Table 21. Sec. of the County land development code also regulates street connectivity.
Table 21. Hillsborough County Policies for Street Network Development and Connectivity
FLU Policy 12.4:
Protect the capacity and integrity of interstate highways as high volume interstate traffic corridors through the development of an adequate arterial and collector support system that meets the adopted levels of service of the Transportation and Capital Improvements Elements.
TE Policy 1.5.11
Hillsborough County shall strive to develop and adopt standards for the spacing of arterial, collector, and local roads, to supplement and complement the County Corridor Plan. These standards shall be implemented through the Land Development Code, Roadway Design Technical Manuals or other appropriate implementation regulations.
FLU Policy 19.2
In the mixed-use land use categories, when two or more uses are required on the same project, then the development shall be implemented through a zoning district that demonstrates street connectivity, description of land uses, and site placement, access locations and internal connections at a minimum.
County subdivision regulations require new subdivisions to provide for the continuation of existing arterial and collector streets from adjoining areas, or for their projection where adjoining land is not subdivided. Direct pedestrian access to adjacent subdivisions, school properties, or commercial areas is also required, where feasible (6.02.00(G)(1). Provisions include the following:
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