documents) for enhancing the appearance of major roadways (such as Boyette Road, US 301, Riverview Drive and Balm-Riverview Road). Implement access management standards such as frontage roads, joint access points, rear lot access points, and managed turning movements. Discourage speeding and cut-through traffic by designing roadways with traffic calming measures and using appropriate design speeds to prevent implementation of reactive traffic calming techniques (i.e. speed humps) after construction). Prepare and adopt a US 301 Corridor Plan Overlay that also designates mixed-use town centers. Enhance the appearance of US 301 with attractively landscaped medians, tree plantings, sidewalks and the provision of pedestrian-scale lighting. Establish east/west pedestrian crossings along US 301 to facilitate access to retail opportunities and other destinations (i.e., library, school, neighborhoods). To this end, consider a pedestrian overpass and traffic calming techniques as options. Develop a pedestrian, bicycle, and equestrian trail pathways that connects key destinations. Implement strategies in the MPO Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Collaborate with developers, government agencies, and non-profit organizations to provide safe roadway, sidewalk, and pathway connections, biking and equestrian linkages and other pedestrian amenities. Encourage walk to school trips. Provide sidewalks, pathways and/or trails wide enough (wider than 5 feet) for people to easily pass each other or travel side-by-side. Designation of streets in the Riverview Downtown District o "A" Street access is intended for building types and uses that promote pedestrian activity, and that benefit from pedestrian and/or transit access. "B" Street access is intended primarily for automobile or truck access. o The following existing streets within the Riverview Downtown District zoning and overlay districts have an "A" Street designation in their entirety and shall not be redesignated as "B" Streets: US Highway 301, Riverview Drive, Commerce Street, and Balm- Riverview Road. o All newly constructed streets, excluding alleys, shall be designated as "A" Street or "B" Street. "A ” and "B" Streets must be designated as such on all site and construction plans. The following were proposed in the SouthShore Corridor Plan 1 and identified in the Apollo Beach community plan: o Provide a north/south arterial connecting Big Bend Road with College Avenue in Ruskin.
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