Prophetic Hour on KFI LOU IS T. TALBOT Pastor-Teacher
L O U IS T. T A L B O T President Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Pastor Church of the Open Door.
O his thousands of friends scat tered over the United States and Canada, President Louis T . Talbot of Bible Institute of Los Angeles, announces an important Radio broadcast to be known as “ THE PRO PHETIC H O U R .” These messages will deal with current events reverently interpreted in the light of Scriptural prophecy and will be of national importance. A series of preliminary talks on this subject has recently been deliv ered by President Talbot over a local station (KM PC ). It aroused so much interest on the Pacific Coast that Mr. Talbot has felt that such messages would, if extended in range, subserve a national need among Christians. Be sure to listen in and tell your friends to join you. The talks delivered on this broadcast will be arranged in printed form and mailed to those desiring them, who will send their names and addresses to the address below. EACH S U N D A Y AFTERNOON (BEGIN NING FEBRUARY 2 5 ) from 3 :0 0 to 3 :30 Pacific Standard Time; 4 :0 0 to 4 :3 0 Mountain Standard Time; 5 :0 0 to 5 :3 0 Central Standard Time; 6 :0 0 to 6 :3 0 , Eastern Standard Time. For Daylight Saving Time, reckon accordingly. This broadcast is a FAITH WORK and its maintenance will depend upon the prayers and gifts of GOD ’S STEWARDS everywhere. If you receive a blessing from these talks, help us to extend their influence. LOU IS T. TALBOT, President BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES. 558 SOUTH HOPE ST., LOS ANGELES. CALIF.
Radio messages reach the siek.
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On invisible wings they reach tropic isles.
They penetrate the lone liest desert.
Are heard under the Northern lights.
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Are heard in churches at home.
Ships at sea provide an audience.
Travelers hear ra d io messages.
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