King's Business - 1934-03


March, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Lord Jesus Christ. At various periods in her life, Miss Pilson was a journalist, a Bible Institute student, and a missionary to China, serving under the China Inland Mission. Besides biographical material, the book contains a paper on China, “A Study in Arrested Development,” a devo­ tional talk entitled “A Living Sacrifice,” and a group o f twenty-six poems. 88 pages. Fleming H. Revell Co. Board. Price $1.00. Golden Grain Calendars, Almanacs, and Diaries The calendars are made o f heavy card­ board, 7x1 lyi inches, attractively printed, and offering a variety of pictures. The date pads provide a scripture verse for every day in the year, and in some cases a daily comment on the text by an out­ standing Christian leader. Price 50 cents, and 75 cents. The almanacs are furnished in booklet or poster form, with a scripture text for each day in the year. Prices range from 10 cents to 50 cents.- The diaries come in two sizes, standard and vest-pocket, and the prices range from 50 cents to $3.50, according to the binding. There are daily texts and comments, spaces for notes and engagements, and sev­ eral pages o f useful general information. The record of each week may be seen at a glance. Pickering & Inglis.


the author’s standing and his acquaintance with various branches o f science. Every Christian worker who has much contact with college students needs this book; in his library. 159 pages. Marshall, Morgan, and Scott, Ltd. Cloth. Price $1.50.

By the Light of the Cross By W infield B urggraaff

'Christians who desire that the weeks preceding Easter may be a time of enter­ ing more deeply into the meaning of the death o f the Lord Jesus Christ, will find rich blessing in this little book of daily meditations for the Lenten season. The meditations breathe the fragrance o f a reverent, devotional study o f the Word. Dr. Burggraaff has sought to remind be­ lievers o f their great salvation. But he has written also in the spirit o f prayer that the pages o f this book may be used to make clear to the unsaved the way of sal­ vation through the substitutionary death o f Christ. 52 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Paper, Price 35 cents. The Bible Confirmed by Science B y W . B ell D aw son A reverent student o f the Bible, a gold medalist in geology and natural science, and Laureate of the Academy o f Sciences, Paris, W . Bell Dawson approaches the problem of the clash between scientific theories and the Bible by a method which is o f peculiar value today. The author is unafraid o f approaching both the Bible and the facts of science just as they stand. By consistently following the inductive meth­ od of investigation in both fields, he shows that when the theories —the philosophical conclusions—o f science are excluded, the facts of modern science afford much evi­ dence in support o f Scripture. In scope the book is remarkable. The chapter on “Evolution and Forethought in Creation” stresses evidence from the sci­ ences corroborating the Biblical narrative concerning a universe prepared* for man. Further vindication appears when the author considers the relation of geology and archaeology to the problems o f the origin of religion and.the nature o f primi­ tive man. The book clarifies issues in the compromise views which are especially subtle in their attempts to reconcile the evo­ lutionary theory and the Word. The chap­ ter on “Miracles, and Higher Intelligence” and the discussion of geology and archae­ ology with reference to the flood will meet a need felt by many Christian students. Requiring some background of knowl­ edge o f recent findings and theories o f sci­ ence, the book will be especially helpful to Christian university students who are themselves troubled by the conflict between scientific theories and the Bible, or who wish to be prepared to aid fellow students in these difficulties. Not only the author’s own statements, but also his care in giving sources o f quotations make his work espe­ cially valuable to college and seminary students who are preparing theses in the fields covered by the book. College students are accustomed to con­ sider. the inductive approach as the most fair method o f dealing with any subject. Because the book follows this method, it is one o f the best in the field for placing in the hands o f such agnostics as are willing to make a fair investigation of the issues discussed. Such students would recognize

Light Out of Darkness B y E leanor I ngle P ilson

To Sarah C. Peet, who has brought to­ gether for publication the poems and papers by Eleanor Ingle Pilson’which com­ prise this little book, the Christian reader owes a debt o f gratitude. The background o f biographical material, which the com­ piler has sketched in swift, sure strokes, serves to accentuate the compelling attrac­ tion of a personality—brilliant, sensitive, beautiful—that was wholly yielded to the

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