King's Business - 1934-03

Work in “Jerus “Ye shall be witnesses u and in all Judea, and in S most part of the e the child added, smiling, “ It is nothing— nothing— like what the Lord suffered— for m e !” A few weeks before, she had known nothing o f the love o f God in Christ. She had been, like hundreds of others, a lonely child among other hun- 1 dreds of equally lonely adults in so-called “ Christian America” ! —without Christ. Now she knew Him, loved Him, trusted Him. A Bible Woman had pointed the way to Christ. As sunlight broke over the hills,

T ired eyes were lifted to­ ward the doorway— eyes that looked out from in­ finitely more weary, pain- racked faces. She was com ing! Coming, as always, with a smile, and a Book, and often with a little g ift !

Biola at

The twelve-year-old sufferer watched longingly. Would the tall lady come to her bed ? Would anybody come— ever ? The frightened new patient at the hospital was so lonely! A

few months be­ fore this time, her mother had died with the same dreaded d isea se from which the child was now suf­ fe r in g . H e r father had been obliged to leave his two daugh­ ters for a time —and he had never returned.

and the happy spirit departed to be with the Lord, the weary watcher’s all-night vigil was ended. In the silence o f the death chamber, the

Bible Woman bowed her head to thank God from a full heart that He had enabled her to lead one more to the Saviour, and to stay near by until that one was “ safe in the arms o f Jesus.” How many times this devoted woman and others like her have watched with those for whom no one else cares, the records of earth do not show.

A Bible Woman’s Ministry in the Sick Room

The older girl had tried to be a mother to the six-year-old sister, but the work and grief had proved too much for her frail strength. Now, suffering' and discouraged, the little one lay white and still on her narrow cot in a ward o f a county hospital—hoping. And then the tall lady came! Something about her made one feel she understood, that she suffered, too. Ever so gently she whispered to the little patient words that rang like music in the child’s ears: “ I have two other girls in this ward that I come to see. When I come, I should like to visit with you, too.” , Two brown eyes were brimming with tears, as a small voice said weakly, “ Oh, I ’d like to be your little g irl!” She was “ adopted” by the tall lady, who was one o f the Bible Women o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, and from that time until her death, the girl had frequent callers. In many practical ways, the patient was helped to understand the love and compassion o f the children’s Friend, and it was not long until she received the Lord Jesus Christ into her heart with joy. The child’s last night on earth was one o f intense suffer­ ing. There was not a relative to care. There was not a family friend to call. But there was a Bible Woman who sat by the narrow cot hour after hour, holding a small, thin hand until its owner slipped away silently, sweetly, into the presence o f the Lord. “ Rose, dear”— there were tears of sympathy in the woman’s voice— “ I ’m sorry you must suffer s o !” “ Oh— I— do not—m ind!” The reply came in whispered, painful gasps. Then, summoning all her ebbing strength,


How the B ible W omen ’ s W ork B egan Probably Rose never asked her friend, “ What is a Bible Woman, and why are you one?” Doubtless, had she been told that the Bible Women’s work was a department of the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, she

would not have understood. All she knew, or cared, was that some one loved her— because God loved her and gave His Circle Marks Field T HE first semester of the school year at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles has just closed. Through the goodness of God, manifested in His faithful stewards, the Institute received the full amount necessary to cover, for one semester, the cost of training every student who enrolled last fall. When one considers that last fall there was no human assurance that the doors of the Institute could open again to students, the fact of the Lord’s miraculous provision is recorded with special thanksgiving, to the praise and glory of His grace. - A The question may be asked: How was this gratifying result achieved? The answer presents two facts. First, prayer was offered — earnest, definite intercession. Only God knows how many hundreds of His people joined with members of the Institute family in Los Angeles in daily supplication on behalf of Biola. Prayer is still recognized as the Institute's first requirement. Second, the need was made known. And God’s faithful stewards, led by the Spirit of God, responded willingly. Now a new semester has begun. Facing new problems, the Institute seeks no new method of solution. It turns first to God in prayer, urgently desiring the fellowship of every child of God in this ministry. At the same time, the Institute is endeavoring to make known to as many as possible the need which the school now faces, confidently believing that, in the will of God, provision will again be made. There are 448 students enrolled for this second term at the . Institute. Every one of these young people is seeking Christian 1 training with a view to future service in the field that the Lord shall appoint— whether in “ Jerusalem,** or “ Judea,** or “ Samaria,** or “ the uttermost part of the earth.**

Euodia Girls at an Annual Conference

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