King's Business - 1934-03

March, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Which BOOK OF THE BIBLE DID JESUS PREFER? J e S U s ” WILL TELL YOU CAN you think of anything more refresh­ ing than a friendly visit in the cool of the day, with Jesus? He loves to have you talk things over with Him. Perhaps your con­ versation might drift to books. Had you ever thought of Jesus as having a favorite book? Remember, He was human as well as divine, and o f course had His tastes as we have ours. PERHAPS He had a favorite time o f day. It might have been morning, with the dew fresh upon the ground, the stillness o f the early dawn descending in holy peace direct from heaven. It might have been noon, when the glorious sun shone its brightest, when a pause in the day’s occupation brought sweet fellowship over the lunch­ eon table. It might have been evening,— the lengthening shadows falling o’er the land, the sun growing less bright until a quiet rest should fall on Jesus and His friends, and He could talk with them about the happenings of the day, and of the home in heaven which would be theirs. THERE are passages of Scriptufe which answer these and other interesting ques­ tions about our dearest Friend, bringing Him closer and making Him dearer than ever before. Mr. E. C. Comfort has studied this subject, and the result is a most de­ lightful book called “ THE PART IAL ITY OF JESUS.” But wait! The title itself suggests a question—“THE PART IAL ­ ITY OF JESUS.” To whom or what was He partial? The book will tell you. “THE PART IAL ITY OF JESUS” sells regularly for $1.35. However, through the courtesy of the author, we are able to o f­ fer it, free, with a year’s subscription to T h e K ing ’ s B u siness at the regular sub­ scription price—$1.50. We have 100 copies of this book, and of course the first 100 in­ quirers will be the first served. IF you are already a subscriber to T he K ing ’ s B u siness , why not ask us to add 12 months to your subscription? W e will be eagerly watching the mails for your answer. T he K ing ’ s B usiness , 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. |I You may send me T he K ing ’ s B usiness for one year. □ You may add 12 months to my subscription beginning with the...................issue, and send me free therewith, a copy- of “ THE PARTIAL­ ITY OF JESUS,*’ postpaid, to the address be­ low. Please find $1.50 enclosed, which pays for both. Name. Address.......................,...... ........................ .d.-d.-d-.. “ The Partiality o f

Took hold o f God, and brought Him down that day! So many, many hearts have need o f prayer. Oh, let us pray. — G race N oll C rowell . VII. T h e C omplete P rayer A comprehensive prayer must_ include adoration, confession, petition, interces­ sion, and thanksgiving.— S elected . VIII. T h e P rayer T rack The native Christians in a small West African village had no privacy for prayer in their huts; consequently, every Chris­ tian used to go away into the bush behind his hut to have times of prayer with God. Behind every Christian’s hut a little track became plainly visible, as the believer went to and from his place of prayer. I f it ev er' happened that the track was rather over­ grown for want of use, another Christian would come and say: “ Brother, there is something the matter with your track.” “Enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret” (Matt. 6 :6 ).— P ickering . IX. I llustrations of A nswers to P rayer Wonderful answers to prayer may be found by reading the lives of such Chris­ tians as George Muller, Hudson Taylor, Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Goforth, and John G. Paton. APR IL 22, 1934 The Importance of Public Worship for Christian Living H ebrews 10:19-25 Suggestions for the Meeting Hymn—“O Worship the King.” Hymn—“ Holy, Holy ! Lord God A l­ mighty !” Prayer. Scripture Verses from Memory—all members participating. Hymn—“ In the Cross o f Christ.” Solo—“The Name o f Jesus.” Leader’s Message. Hymn—“We Praise Thee, O God!” Benediction—Psalm 1, in concert. Meditation on the Lesson Worship is the highest act o f which man is capable. It is the adoration o f the soul for God, man’s Creator and Redeemer. God has granted us the gracious privilege of worshiping Him. Just as prayer has included in its com­ pleteness every form of address to God, so worship—true worship—embraces the same great leading acts o f devotion: adora­ tion, confession, petition, intercession, and thanksgiving. Adoration is the soul’s con­ sciousness o f the presence of Jesus Christ. The believer, in adoration, comes to God realizing His love, majesty, holiness, and infinite greatness. At the same moment he feels the awe, reverence, and holy affec­ tion which are due to that great Name. Adoration is greater than petition or con­ fession, for while offering praise, the be­ liever passes outside o f himself into the very presence o f the King, there to. crown Him Lord o f lords. “ Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.” Adoration should flow like an undercur­ rent in all our worship. “ Praise addressed to God in the name and memory o f Jesus Christ rises inevitably into adoration,” Dr. Hastings has said. In this passage from Hebrews, the writer is urging all believers to take advantage of this wonderful privi­ lege, so recently afforded them. In Old Testimonies. Quiet Hour.

enter into the nature of prayer. Prayer is desire; prayer is also petition. W e de­ sire, then we ask. Our desires are not always best for us, however, and God therefore withholds; but if we continue to beg and plead for something, God may grant our petition, though it may work to our hurt. In Psalm 106, we read, “He gave them their request; but sent lean­ ness into their soul.” (Read also Numbers 11.) Lot, Esau, Balaam, Ahab, Gehazi, Judas, and Demas are all tragic examples of men who had their desires granted, but whose souls were dwarfed or lost. God’s Word says: “Delight thyself also in the L ord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” To delight oneself in the Lord is true prayer. If our desires turn wholly to the Lord, we shall enter into His will for us in the matter of intercessory prayer. God is grieved when we fail to fulfill this min­ istry. “And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no in­ tercessor” (Isa. 59:16). Andrew Murray has reminded u s: “We have far too little conception of the place that intercession, as distinguished from prayer for ourselves, ought to have in the church and the Chris­ tian life. In intercession, our King upon the throne finds His highest glory. . . . The power o f the church truly to bless rests on intercession—asking and receiving heavenly gifts to carry to men.” Let us humbly unite with the prophet Samuel in the cry: “As for me, God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you.” II. P rinciples of P rayer 1. According to the will o f God (1 John 5 :14). 2. In the name o f Christ (John 14:13, 14; John 16:24). 3. In the relation of sonship, through the new birth (Rom. 8:15; Gal. 4 :6 ). 4. In the’ power o f the Spirit (Rom. 8:26, 27; Eph. 6:18). III. V alu e of P rayer 1. For deliverance from sin (Psa. 19:12; Psa. 139:23, 24). 2. For strengthening our lives (Isa. 40:31; Phil. 4:6, 7). 3. For power (Matt. 21:21, 22; Acts 4:29-31). IV. H indrances to P rayer E ncouragement to P rayer 1. The faithfulness of God (Dan. 9:15, 16). 2. Christ’s example (Matt. 14:22, 23j Lk. 9:18; Lk. 6:12). 3. The promises (Gen. 32:9; Matt. 7 :7 ; John 14:13, 14; Psa. 51:1). VI. S ome O n e H ad P rayed The day was long, the burden I had borne Seemed heavier than I could longer bear And then it lifted—but I did not know Some one had knelt in prayer; Had taken me to God that very hour And asked the easing of that load, and He In infinite compassion had stooped down And taken it from me. W e cannot tell how often as we pray For some bewildered one, hurt, andr dis­ tressed, The answer comes—but many times those hearts Find sudden peace and rest. Some one had prayed, and faith, a reaching hand 1. Doubt (Jas. 1:5-8)., 2. Pride (Jas. 4:6-10), 3. Selfishness (Jas. 4:3). V.

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