King's Business - 1934-03


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1934

3. What is success ? It is not money, power, honor. It is being what God would want us to be, having a sufficiency o f all kinds o f good.—R. P . A nderson . II. C h rist P reeminent The service o f Christ is the business o f my life. The will of Christ is the rule o f my life. The presence o f Christ is the joy o f my life. The glory of Christ is the crown of -my life.— S elected . The Power o f the Resurrection [Continued from page 85] prove the falseness o f the claim of resur­ rection ? The fact is, they had not the body of Christ, nor did they want it. Did our Lord’s disciples have His body? I f so, why did the women come to complete the embalming process? How could the scattered disciples, who never expected to ‘ see their Lord again in that body, have come at any time and have stolen it away? There was a great stone which closed the tomb; there was the seal o f the govern­ ment placed upon it; there was the Roman guard placed at the tomb to preclude any such an act as taking away the body that was within. Neither the enemies nor the friends of Jesus had His body. The risen Christ had His own body. Those who deny the fact find themselves impaled upon the horns of a dilemma fi;om which they can never escape. T h e A ppearances of th e R isen C hrist A second proof of our Lord’s resurrec­ tion is found in His many appearances af­ ter His death. To those at the empty tomb, the angel said, “ Come, see the place where the Lord lay.” “ Go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and, behold, he goeth before you into Gali­ lee ; there shall ye see Him.” Christ’s chal­ lenge to His own unbelieving disciples in the upper room was: “Handle me, and see.” Thomas, the doubter, saw and believed. He was the first to declare the risen Christ to be also God. Time after time, Jesus showed Himself alive from the grave, but only to those who had confessed their faith in Him before His death. The risen Christ is seen only by those who are risen by faith in Him. Thus the fact of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is fully attested by infallible proofs, He having appeared many times covering a period o f forty days and hav­ ing been seen by five hundred believers at one time. Jesus had died; Jesus had risen. T h e R isen C h rist and th e C hurch A third proof o f our Lord’s resurrection is the Christian church. The apostles were convinced o f Christ’s resurrection, and built their lives and message upon that fact. For that faith they counted not their lives dear unto themselves, and went forth to die for their Lord. Such consecration led thousands to accept Christ as their Sav­ iour and Lord. The resurrection o f Christ changed the day o f worship from the Jewish sabbath or seventh day to the Lord’s Day or first day of the week. No lesser cause could have thus radically changed the practice of thousands o f well-taught Jews. No better reason can be given for the choice o f this day, as the day for worship in the Chris­ tian church. The resurrection o f Christ gave power

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to the believers in the early church who “went everywhere preaching the word,” and the church is today the divinely chosen instrument through which He is calling out “a people for his name.” The church is a living witness to the power o f the risen Saviour. “ If Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.” If Christ be not risen, then Christianity is an effect without a cause. How D oes H e L iv e ? Existence of personality after death is not resurrection. To say Christ lives is not enough. Such a personality can never per­ ish. But how does He live? The triumph of Christianity is the empty tomb. Jesus said, “ Because I live, ye shall live also.” T h e R isen C h rist and R esurrection . P ower Christ is resurrection power. He “ was made a quickening spirit.” He told the sor­ rowing sisters o f His friend Lazarus that He was “the resurrection, and the life.” Redemption can never be complete apart from resurrection. All that was lost in the fall through the first Adam shall be re­ gained, and more; in our complete redemp­ tion through Christ. Christ “hath brought life and immortality to light.” A t His glo­ rious coming, “the dead in Christ shall rise,” and the living “shall be caught up to­ gether with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air.” The resurrection of Christ says to Sci­ ence and Philosophy, “ Explain this event.” It says to History, “ Reproduce a like event,” It says to Time, “ Blot out this event” It says to Faith, “Receive this event.” Christ’s resurrection determines our resurrection. His resurrection power be­ comes our. resurrection power. He said, “ Because I live, ye shall live also.” The historical fact o f Christ’s resurrection is transformed into a personal experience for the believer. The power o f Christ’s resur­ rection assures us o f an unbroken con­ tinuity o f existence—“absent from the body, . . . present with the Lord.” The power of Christ’s resurrection promises a glorification o f our human bodies. Immor­ tality is the gift o f the risen Christ to His own. The power o f Christ’s resurrection assures us of complete triumph over the last enemy—death. “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” A little girl went often through a ceme­ tery. She was asked whether she was not afraid when passing through. “No,” she replied. “Why are you not afraid?” she was asked. “W h y !” she answered brightly, “ Because it is the shortest way home!” So it may be for us, for our enemy has been defeated. During the great battle o f Waterloo, the news came by a sailing boat to England’s shores and was then wigwagged from height to height to London. The message read: “Wellington defeated,” and at that point, a dense fog obscured the sight. On to London went the message. People’s hearts sank. But when the fog lifted, the complete message could be seen: “Welling­ ton defeated the enemy.” Then came the rejoicing. When we see the complete mes­ sage—that our Lord Jesus Christ has de­ feated the enemy, and that He lives in mighty power, how we rejoice in His vic­ tory! And likewise, by the power o f the crucified, buried, risen, and returning Christ shall we be conquerors over every foe, and reign with Him in resurrection power and glory.

GOSPEL SINGERS—Make extra money selling New Songs and Pocket Pulpit advertised on page 119. WIN THE BOYS & GIRLS Chemical Illustrations of Bible Truths Prepared Colors and Chemicals, harmless, ready to use with directions and helps Eight talks (with duplicate set) $1.00 Postpaid C. A. SCHMITT 85 Summer Ave., Reading, Matt. The proceeds of the above ad will be applied toward the maintenance of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles.

Bilhorn folding Organs Noted for durability and long service because of superior materials, workmanship, vol­ ume, tone quality, strength and sturdiness. Write for Circulars and Prices B ILH O R N B R O S . 3063.WabashAve., Chicago, III.

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BI BLE C H A R T LECTURES Evangelist Joseph T. Larsen of Minneapolis, who is now working in the Pacific States will remain on the Coast till May, ’34, and is ready to serve in Series Revival Meetings or Conference Work. Mr. Larsen has conducted 117 series meetings in 25 States, sponsored by 16 Denominations. Charts of large size on Hebrews, Ephesians, I John. Other titles include “ Plan of God for the Ages,“ “ Names and Titles of Christ,** “ Heaven; How to Get There,” (illustrated), “ Celestial Railway,** (Diagram) and “ The Inner Circle.” Terms of en- • gageaient: Railway expenses, one way, and free will offerings. References. Booking 1934-35 en­ gagements now. Address EVANGELIST JOHN T. LARSEN 3035 Columbus Avenue Minneapolis, Minn. Tight-Wads are SURE of Hell, 4c, Can WW n T a Rich Man Be Saved? 5c, Unclean Men, ill. 5c, Movies Exposed, ill. 6c, Women’s Undress, 10c, Beauty Shop Curse, 3c, Mark of the Beast, 7c, Battle of Armageddon, 5c, Where Are the Dead? 4c, Unpardonable Sin, 4c, Scriptural League, K, Youngstown, 0. •»CHRISTIAN GREETING CARDS« FOR SALE OR FOR PERSONAL USE Comforting, encouraging messages for Easter, Cheer to the Sick and Sorrowing, etc.,— many with BIBLE TEXTS. Cards that are different -—not fdlind in stores— BOXED and UN­ BOXED — Excellent profit, no investment necessary. Write early for Catalog and attrac­ tive Sale Plans. PEASE GREETING CARDS, INC. 260 Laurel St., Dept. K, Buffalo, N. Y.

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