King's Business - 1934-03


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1934

gift o f the Holy Spirit o f God. The Spir­ it’s work is to Sanctify you, to make you like Christ; and the only question is, will you take Christ?— B isho p H all . APR IL 22 “Sit Still” "Their strength is to sit still” (Isa. 30:7). Sit still, my daughter! Just sit calmly still 1 Nor deem these days—these waiting days —as ill. The One who loves thee best, who plans thy way, Hath not forgotten thy great need today. And, if He waits, ’tis sure He waits to prove To thee, His tender child, His heart’s deep ■ love. Sit still, my daughter! Just sit calmly still! What higher service could’st thou for Him fiH? 'Tis hard, ah, yes! But choicest things must cost. For lack o f losing all, how much is lost! ’Tis hard, ’tis true; but then—He giveth grace To count the hardest spot the sweetest place. — J. D an son S m it h . APR IL 23 Obedience in All Things- "A s the Lord commanded Moses” (Ex. 40:29). I was almost startled when I was read­ ing the two last chapters of Exodus to notice the repetition o f the phrase, “as the Lord commanded Moses.” He set up the veil, “as the Lord commanded Moses.” He lighted the lamp, “as the Lord com­ manded Moses.” He set the bread upon the table, “as the Lord commanded Moses.” He burnt sweet incense on the altar, “as the Lord commanded Moses.” “ So Moses finished the work. Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle” (Ex. 40: 33, 34). Why do so many Christians seem to lack a similar token o f the divine appro­ priation and approval ? . . . The gloom that is so often caused by disobedience will give place to the glory which irradiates the very countenance if, in all things, we are obe­ dient to the voice of God. — J. G regory M antle . APR IL 24 Hearing the Divine Voice “I will hear what God the Lord will speak : for he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints” (Psa. 85:8). Oh, that we may feel from year’s end to year’s end thg infinite preciousness and condescension of having Christ to speak to us! No bells that can ring, no song-that can sound, no voice o f child or wife, of

poet or o f sovereign, can be anything like, the voice o f Jesus to us. May we hear it ever; may we neglect it never. Do, and ye shall know. Do, and ye shall live. Do, and yè shall rejoice with exceeding great jo y ; and the Christ of God will rejoice over you, satisfied because “he shall see o f the travail o f his soul.” Yes,- His joy and yours are bound up with your obe­ dience.—J. B. F iggis . APR IL 25 Led by God’s Hand "I, the Lord thy God, will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee” (Isa. 4 1 :13). It takes the night to bring out the glory of the stars. It requires the storm cloud to make it possible to paint the rainbow. Tribulation and affliction are only the wrapping paper round God’s priceless mir­ acles and joys. God’s dealings with us often seem, to the outward eye, dark and terrible. Faith looks deeper, and says, “This is God’s secret ; you look only on thè outside; I look deeper and see the hidden meaning.” Let us not become impatient with God, but understand that there are two ends to every tunnel, and that the Hand that leads us in is the same loving Hand that will lead us out, yea, and will hold our hand as we journey through. : : — M rs . C harles E . C o w m a n . APR IL 26 The Power and Glory of Grace “ God is able to make all grace abound toward you” (2 Cor. 9 :8 ). The dying thief found Christ as Prophet, as Priest, and as King all in one hour ; and he got salvation, and sanctifi­ cation, and glorification all in the same day, which shows us, as a simple illustration, not only the power and glory o f grace, but also that it is without cost to us ; that the vilest sinner may, in one hour, appro­ priate Jesus Christ, the Lord, and know Him who was, and is, and is to come, the Almighty, and get the key to all the writ­ ten Scriptures, get the solution to all hu­ man history, and get the nucleus and focus o f all redemption.—A. T. P ierson . Thou, O Christ, art all I want; More than all in Thee I find. APR IL 27 God, Our Home “ The eternal God is thy refuge" (Deuti 33:27). ' The word translated “refuge” is a strong one, and not often met with in the Bible. It means infinitely more than a temporary place of safety, a mere shelter. It is, as the Revised Version points out, a dwell­ ing-place, a habitation, a home. A place may be a good refuge and yet not be a — C harles W esley .


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