King's Business - 1934-03

March, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


IN THE JEWISH WORLD [Continued from page 103] o f these rebukes, “the lad cherished a se­ cret longing in his heart to know more about the Jewish Messiah. After he had made this explanation to the audience, in the most dramatic manner, he thrilled the hearts of all present when he shouted: “For sixty-five years I have been search­ ing fo r the Messiah o f whom Moses and the prophets have written, and at last I have found Him in the person o f Jesus o f Nazareth! Never until I came to Los An­ geles have I met any one. who could meet my Jewish objections and show me from the Hebrew Bible why Jews should accept Jesus as the Messiah.” As he spoke these words, embodying a confession o f faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, his daughter’s joy and gratitude overflowed. Impulsively, she rushed to her father and threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. So great was the enthusiasm of the moment that in response to the leader’s request, the entire com­ pany arose and with a wave o f the hand, gave the Fishermen’s Club salute: “ Praise the Lord.” , Not often does an old orthodox Jew who has been steeped in Talmudical lore and Jewish traditions find Christ as the Messiah. But, thank God, some do. This old Jewish gentleman’s long search for the Messiah o f Israel was happily ended.

SPECIALOFFER ON PROPHETIC BOOHS What of the N i gh t ? By DR. ARTHUR I. BROWN Noted Scientist and Eminent Physician. When will the Age end?—Will we ever write. 1937?— How near are we to the reign of the Antichrist, the Great Tribulation and the Battle of Armageddon ?—Is another World War imminent?—What national changes will occur during the next few years ?—Can we determine with any degree of Certainty the End-Time Period?—What of the Revelations of the Occult?—What of Russia?—When will the Saints be Translated?—How will the end come? The above are some of the startling questions answered by Dr. Brown in this Amazing Book. So great has been the demand for this book that 50,000 copies have been printed since March, 1931. New, im­ proved edition. See Publisher's Address below. Price 35 cents, 3 copies $1.00 “ The Great Tribulation” A NEW BOOK By REV. T. RICHARD DUNHAM Foreword by William L. Pettingill, D.D. Here is the most complete treatment of this subject we have found anywhere. It shows what The Great Tribula­ tion is, when it will take place, whom it will affect, who will escape it, when it will end, and what the out­ come will be. Dr. Pettingill says, "Mr. Dunham has put us all in his debt by writing on this subject, and his testimony as set forth in the chapters of this book will be found to be clear and convincing."

home. You are caught in a sudden storm while in a public park, and with all speed you make for the shelter provided by the authorities. It is a refuge and very accept­ able—but it is not a home. You are at­ tempting to cross one of the main thor­ oughfares in a busy city, and finding your­ self in danger, fly to the refuge in the cen­ ter o f the road. That little oasis in the midst of surging traffic is very welcome in­ deed—but it is not a home , . . God in Christ is all this to the trusting soul—and very much more— for H e is a home. — R obert L ee . APR IL 28 Fact, Not Feeling “ Who shall separate us from the love o f Christf" (Rom. 8:35). I believe more and more that to be filled with the Spirit means practically this—the entrance upon a life of full, unquestion­ ing, trustful, everyday submission to the authority, mastery, inworking o f the Holy Spirit of God. It is not a question of your possessing; it is a question o f your being possessed.— C harles I nwood .- Nothing can_ separate what God has joined together in the bonds of gravitation. And your consciousness o f union with Christ is a very different thing from that union itself. Let us learn to lean more upon the fact and less upon our apprehen­ sion of it. We are to walk by faith and not by feelihgs. And we shall proclaim Jesus with power to others just in proportion as we have first proclaimed Him to our own hearts. It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord. Thanksgiving begets con­ sciousness o f His presence. — J. R ussell H owden . APR IL 29 Only a Cobbler “Blessed are the meek" (Matt. 5:5). Such a remarkable linguist as William Carey could not long remain unobserved by the British Government, which desired to use his gift of languages for its own pur­ poses. Honors were heaped upon him, but the simple-hearted, unassuming man ac­ cepted only such positions of influence as would open the way for the work so dear to his heart. In the zenith o f his fame, his humility was one of his striking character­ istics. A t a state dinner, some English o f­ ficer asked with a sneer, “Was not your great Dr. Carey a shoemaker?” Carey overheard the remark, and an­ swered with quiet dignity, “No, sir, only a -cobbler.” .British authority had denied to Carey a landing place on his arrival in India. When this devoted, humble man died, the gov­ ernment dropped all its flags at half mast in honor of one who had done more for In­ dia than all her generals. — S unday S chool T im e s . APR IL 30 The Power of a Spoken Word “ Let your speech be always with grace" (Col. 4:6 ). In a morning’s greeting we may put so much heart and so much Christ into phrase and tone as to make our neighbor happier all the day. In a few moments’ conversa­ tion by the wayside, or during the formal call, or in the midst of the day’s heat and strife, we may drop the wdrd that will lift a burden, or strengthen a fainting heart, or inspire a new hope. Our words in sea­ son, throbbing with love, and wafted by the. breath o f silent prayer shall be medicine to every heart into which any simple sen­ tence o f our speech may fall. - -J. R. M iller .

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