
Signing up for a new product is an expression of hope. When you invest your time in trying out something new, you’re opening yourself up to the possibility that the way you’ve been doing things hasn’t been so hot. That the way the new product affords will help you do it better. Whether that hope is made real or not ultimately comes down to successful onboarding – the product can either deliver you from a not-so-great situation into a much better one, or you can revert back to the way you’ve previously been doing things. Failing to make that hope real is a bummer for both parties – the business has lost a potential user (and with each churned signup, their overall cost per acquisition has gone up), and the potential user has wasted time they could have spent doing something useful. So how can you best stack the deck in favor of a good outcome all around? The answer isn’t easy, but it’s relatively simple at the same time – get a crystal-clear picture of what the “good” situation you can deliver people to is, but at the same time genuinely understand the psychological motivations driving someone away from their pre-existing “not-so-good” situation to begin with. Once you’re able to fully take on your users’ perspectives on why they’re feeling restless before signing up and what they’re hoping to find on the other side, you can much, much more reliably design a welcoming workflow that will usher them into the rad new life they’re looking for.

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