
clearer picture of all the pressures they’re dealing with that surround the time they actually spend inside your product.

In fact, there’s one kind of pressure that stands heads above the others, and goes criminally overlooked in most product strategies: people pressure.

Who else has to be successful for adoption to succeed?

While it’s crucial to understand what makes your “onboardee” tick, there’s no need to stop there. People are social animals, and understanding an individual’s motivations often requires understanding the motivations of those around them. Nowhere is this truer than in the land of business software. Budgets need to be approved, technology needs to be reviewed, processes need to be changed, and colleagues need to be trained. Understanding what motivates the budget-holders and technology-reviewers in your user’s life can help you ensure things get past all those surrounding parties as quickly and easily as possible. If it comes up in an interview that their managers wanted an explanation of why a product was worth the investment, arming future users with a professional and credible PDF outlining the ROI of your product will beat leaving them to come up with reasons on their own. If you frequently hear the IT department nearly scrubbed the deal with their technical review, you can save untold others from the chopping block with a well-

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