
Is that time investment – for both your company and its new signups – being rewarded with a robust, bulletproof activation process? Or is it being squandered with an experience that neglects the needs of first-time users, letting the majority of them slip through your fingers like sand? Intercom has not only provided an immensely helpful product for engaging customers, they’ve also consistently delivered phenomenal recommendations and insights via their blog, and now this book. From advice on activating new signups, to customizing their ensuing journey, to ensuring as many users as possible become successful ones, the writing that follows outlines time-tested thinking that will help your company thrive by helping its users do the same.

I truly hope you absorb and apply the advice this book provides. The world, and your business, could always use more superpowered people.

Samuel Hulick, UserOnboard

Samuel Hulick is the authority on user onboarding. Whether it’s through his detailed and witty onboarding teardowns of some of the world’s biggest products at , or his book The Elements of User Onboarding , he’s been central in bringing user onboarding front and center for modern software products.

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