
As a company scales, the onboarding experience inevitably increases in complexity, as the different teams responsible for it alter it to increase the success of their product or feature. Inevitably, this leads to increased complexity for the customer. If you’re not careful, you end up with a hodgepodge experience with disjointed content and context that can confuse. When this occurs, you have failed to achieve what the business and your customer actually require – getting the customer to an outcome they desire. You don’t have to look for long to find poor onboarding experiences. Many of the world’s best known consumer technology brands suffer from them. But don’t worry; it’s possible to structure your teams so they’re aligned to create the best experience. You can make your entire organization work for you to create an optimal customer onboarding flow.

Earlier Des explained how focusing on the customer will reveal a lot of low-hanging fruit in your product that will up your onboarding game. This low hanging fruit lies not just within the product but within your organization as well. When was the last time you asked a teammate to run through your product’s onboarding flow and critique the experience? It’s unlikely to have been anytime recently. For most of us onboarding our own product is something we do once and quickly forget about.

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