Robin Hood Annual Report 2023



A HOME FOR JAYLEN When Jaylen Fitzpatrick first received her housing voucher, she felt as though she won the lottery; and in a way, she had. In NYC, only 21% of eligible households who receive rental vouchers end up finding an apartment. Housing vouchers are a form of guaranteed government assistance that subsidizes a portion, or all, of the rent for voucher holders. Most homeless New Yorkers living in city shelters automatically qualify for a housing voucher after being in the shelter system for 90 days or more. Others, like Jaylen, may qualify for a voucher under certain circumstances. Jaylen, 21 years old, grew up in foster care. She never had a place of her own to call home. After coming of age, and just starting college, she found herself homeless and couch-surfing with friends or distant relatives. As a young adult immediately out of foster care, Jaylen qualified for a housing voucher. Once she got it, she thought the process of finding her own place to live would be straight- forward and guaranteed. But it wasn’t. Despite having a job and the voucher, navigating the complexities of an apartment search — proving that she could meet the often-stringent eligibility requirements for renters, finding an affordable apartment, being rebuffed by brokers, and dealing with latent discrimination from landlords who refuse to rent to housing voucher holders — all proved to be overwhelming. Still languishing seven months after first receiving her voucher, Robin Hood grantee Anthos|Home emerged as a beacon of support. Anthos|Home helps low-income New Yorkers like Jaylen find permanent homes despite the obstacles.

“The process with Anthos|Home went so smoothly,” Jaylen reflects. “They did all of the footwork for me. I did not feel stressed, not one time.” The organization’s dedication was evident as it addressed every request and ensured a seamless experience for Jaylen. “They had my back and made sure I was set up for success, helping me not only get in the door but also helping me set up my whole house, giving me advice and tips.” Founded in 2022, Anthos|Home is pioneering a customer-centric approach to streamlining every step of the rental process for homeless New Yorkers. It works with landlords and potential tenants to ensure that apartments don’t sit empty that eligible tenants can move in fast. For Jaylen, Anthos’ support extended beyond paperwork; they accompanied Jaylen to meet with landlords, providing reassurance and guidance. The company even offers an after-placement service that helps new renters learn to budget and manage a household, something Jaylen says, “I was never taught.” After working with Anthos|Home for three months, Jaylen went from being homeless to settling into her first home. With keys to her new home in hand, Jaylen’s long journey finally ended. Her story is now a testament to the positive impact of Robin Hood-supported initiatives dedicated to reshaping the housing landscape and providing a path to stable, affordable homes for NYC residents. We’re proud of Jaylen, and we are so excited to continue to partner with and fund Anthos|Home.


Founded in 2022, Anthos|Home is pioneering a customer-centric approach to streamlining every step of the rental process for homeless New Yorkers.

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