Robin Hood Annual Report 2023



NEW YORK NEEDS YOU. MAKE A GIFT. One hundred percent of your donation will go directly to the most impactful organizations serving New Yorkers in need. Robin Hood welcomes gifts through cash, stock, and wire as well as through Donor-advised funds (DAFs) and private foundations.

JOIN A BOARD We offer board placement options for companies and donors in service of select Robin Hood community partners. By joining a nonprofit’s board of directors, you can boost the capacity of a frontline organization. HOST A DINNER WITH MAJOR GOOD A collaboration with Major Food Group, Major Good offers private, bespoke dining experiences at Torrisi Bar & Restaurant. Thanks to the generosity of chef Rich Torrisi, all proceeds will fund emergency food organizations across NYC. Dinners are already booked for 2024, so act now to reserve your private dinner in 2025!

To get started, contact Karla España:

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ARCHER LEGACY SOCIETY Robin Hood’s Archer Legacy Society recognizes the generous donors who have included Robin Hood in their estate plans. Members are recognized in the Archer Legacy Society listing in Robin Hood’s Annual Report. Additionally, Society members enjoy a subscription to a curated, semiannual newsletter; invitations to periodic donor appreciation events; and email updates about Robin Hood’s programmatic work. If you have put Robin Hood in your estate plans, we encourage you to let us know. Having an awareness of our legacy donors enables us to better plan for our future endeavors and gives us an opportunity to thank you! Of course, if you prefer to remain anonymous, we respect your wishes and practice gratitude from afar.

RACE FOR ROBIN HOOD Ready to go the distance? Robin Hood offers limited spots on our charity NYC Marathon team for individuals willing to run and raise money for Robin Hood. TEACH YOUR CHILDREN Lemonaid, Camp Robin Hood, Teen Council, and all of our Family Philanthropy programs provide learning opportunities for your children — starting from age four with Robin Hood Kids. SPONSOR AN EVENT Partnering with like-minded brands allows us to host memorable events that make the greatest positive impact possible. If your organization shares Robin Hood’s values, reach out about sponsorship opportunities today. LEAVE A LEGACY Be remembered for your love of NYC by making a legacy gift to Robin Hood – and leave an impact on the lives of New Yorkers for generations to come. FUNDRAISE TO FIGHT POVERTY Celebrate your next milestone with us! When you fundraise for Robin Hood — as part of your birth- day, wedding, personal hobby, or something else entirely — you can make a significant impact on alleviating poverty.

“We are not wealthy people, but everyone can help regardless of how wealthy they are.” Steve and Joanne Auerbach, Archer Legacy Society Members For more information about Robin Hood’s Archer Legacy Society, please contact Austin Wrubel at 212-844-3521 or send us an email at .

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