The Laboratory brochure

Dragon’s Curve Peter Randall-Page RA

Grimshaw’s collaboration on the Eden Project with Peter Randall-Page, who created ‘Walking the Dog’ set in the grounds of Dulwich Picture Gallery, led to a conversation about the intrinsic relationship between Art and Science. Working with Grimshaw and using the Lindenmayer or L-system alogrithm, Peter designed the recurring ‘Dragon’s Curve’ pattern which can be seen embedded on the external cladding of The Laboratory. The L-system replicates the growth processes of plants and is also used across the sciences and adopted by composers and artists to replicate the beauty and rhythms of the natural order.

Exploded Paradigm (Inverted) Conrad Shawcross RA

Embodying the symbiotic relationship between creativity and discovery, the Shawcross sculpture complements and draws on the spirit of endurance proudly represented by Sir Ernest Shackleton’s James Caird lifeboat, permanently exhibited at the heart of the James Caird Hall. The sculpture builds on Shawcross’s work exploring Platonic solids and Conrad explicitly linked this commission to the 14 metre high sculpture on the plaza of the new Crick Institute at St Pancras. The fnished work reflects the notion of a paradigm shift, understanding that in art and science we are often jolted forward into new ways of thinking and seeing.

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