Hola Sober Sunday 18.12

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Sometimes in business or life we can have a brilliant strategy but won’t get anywhere if we have the wrong story on stereo sound in our head. If your story is like the one, I played on loop which in varying degrees was "I've been a drinker my whole life, drinking is what I do" or "I haven't got time to do this right now and I know I'll fail anyway so seriously what is the point?" then like me you will stay locked in that kitchen in the shadows drinking for another decade. On enrolling on my course, I decided to change the self-talk and the internal story to ‘now that I have stopped drinking’ or ‘I am so lucky to have the support of these women who together will empower me’ and littered my mind and day with positive words claiming each and every victory. Tony Robbins says, "You have to divorce your story and marry the truth. The truth is what's REALLY possible. You can find the truth by finding someone who's already getting the results you want and finding out what they believe. The chances are, their beliefs are radically different to yours." What he is essentially saying is the company you keep will powerfully change your attitude and internal dialogue, perspective and will to win.

Dear Sober Queens,

I. believe if the habitual emotional and mental state you go into is overwhelming, you'll come up with a story that says 'nothing works for me' and ‘I am a lost cause’ I will be the one who got away. I am here this sunny morning to say you are not the one who got away, you are the one who has reached out and joined a group, that is surrounded by love and acceptance and we together are going to change our stories and live in a bubble of ‘can do’ no matter what life throws at us. For me, this was all about shifting focus to make the story stick and asking myself the right question in my head. I began to think like an elite athlete which I accept is a stretch even for me, but they visualise success in their training, and I followed the same principal. Instead of saying, "How in the world am I ever going to do this for….e…v….e….r…?" I changed the focus and asked “How can I make this a priority? What can I do to ensure I show up every day?" This small change in my story telling brought huge benefits and I realised by making my sobriety a priority and showing up every day to whisper at the universe not today lady not today I was taking all the right steps in all the right directions and quite soon the stories I told myself were filled with small sober gold moments that propelled me forward.


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