Hola Sober Sunday 18.12

Colette Louise

card of the week

The Two of Pentacles is our card of week. This makes perfect sense of course, given the time of year! The character in the Two of Pentacles is juggling while doing a jig, the two pentacles are staying on track in an infinity symbol - round and round we go. So far this person is managing their resources well and can deal with all the activities. However, it does look a little precarious. The ships in the background are bobbing up and down like corks on the sea indicating the ups and downs and constant movement of life. Pentacles represent our resources, and how we are managing them. For many, this time of year can stretch us a bit thin, financial resources are one thing but our energy is also a resource. The Two of Pentacles suggest we are going to have to stay focused to get it all done this week. We also need to be flexible and ready to adjust plans as needed. That is a tall order and it doesn’t sound very festive does it!!! This week take another look at that list. Take a few things off of it. Life is the journey not the destination. Take the time to enjoy the ride!


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