Campbell Wealth Management - November 2018

An Attitude of Gratitude Should Last BeyondThanksgiving

Taking the time to acknowledge who and what you’re grateful for is a Thanksgiving tradition far more important than turkey or football. It’s the cornerstone of the holiday and the reason we feast together in the first place. But when you really think about it, should expressing our gratitude and appreciation for others be limited to one day every year? Of course not! Why Gratitude Matters Recognizing and acknowledging gratitude will help you take stock of the positive aspects of your life and dwell less on unhappy thoughts. Being grateful has also been linked to significant health benefits. According to gratitude expert and author Dr. Robert A. Emmons, “Preliminary findings suggest that those who regularly practice grateful thinking do reap emotional, physical, and interpersonal benefits. Adults who keep gratitude journals on a regular basis exercise more regularly, report fewer illness symptoms, feel better about their lives as a whole, and are more optimistic about the future.” How to Practice Gratitude In the above quotation from Dr. Emmons, he mentions the practice of keeping a gratitude journal. This activity is a great way to start seeing the world with a more positive, appreciative eye. As often as

you can, take a few minutes to write down the acts, people, and moments that you’re grateful

for. Some will be big, others small — but all will have an impact on your mood and bring a smile to your face. Before you know it, you’ll have an entire book full of good memories and warm feelings. While keeping a journal is great, there are other ways to go about cultivating and expressing gratitude. The easiest one is simply to say “Thanks” whenever you can. It may seem insignificant, but you’d be surprised what a difference it makes. When you approach the world with the perspective that every day is Thanksgiving, it’s only natural to be grateful. We all have moments when we want to curse the world, especially as we get older, and those experiences are perfectly normal. Just as frequently, though, we have moments that are worth celebrating, often with people who are worth appreciating. Which will you think about more? Foundation™ (COSF) has advanced from the simple idea of signing a pledge to a full-service organization that provides essential and critical one-on-one assistance to struggling service members, veterans, and their families (SMVF) who have the most complex needs. The Foundation is dedicated to leveraging the nation’s full spectrum of resources to ensure all members of these groups receive the support services they need and, through their collective sacrifice, have earned. Their Veteran and Caregiver Peer Navigators provide holistic and in-depth case coordination services to these deserving patriots regardless of geographic location or discharge status. COSF makes it easy to take that first step and demonstrate support for the millions of our service members, veterans, and their families, including those who have spent the past 17 years fighting two wars. Please visit the website to learn more and sign the Code of Support: –Karen & Bill Spracher

CODEOF SUPPORT FOUNDATION They Stood For Us; We Stand WithThem.

In 2010, retired Army Major General Alan B. Salisbury began working with a dedicated team of leaders to develop the “Code of Support” for our troops as a parallel document to the Military “Code of Conduct,”

in which service members pledge they are prepared to give their lives in defense of the

nation. The Code of Support is a set of six heartfelt commitments all Americans can make to give meaning to the words “support our troops.” MG Salisbury is also president of the West Point Alumni Glee Club. Bill Spracher (class of 1970 and a second tenor in the Club) and his wife, Karen, have been thrilled to watch as the Code of Support

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