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Approach Climate Action Roadmap for UK FE Colleges Our strategy has been strongly influenced by the Roadmap. The Roadmap provides clear actions and guidance on how colleges can respond to the climate emergency and advance sustainability. The Climate Action Roadmap for FE Colleges includes three ‘levels’ of colleges’ approaches to sustainability, organised by different levels of maturity:

Whole College Approach Through the creation and delivery of the Sustainability Strategy, we will build on the College’s existing sustainability efforts and focus our plans. The Sustainability Strategy follows a whole College approach and with that, we will work to have every staff member and student understanding sustainability. From our research, we know that over 85% of staff and students want the College to take further action against climate change. We will establish governance and accountability structures including staff and students to drive sustainability. Student Voice in Decision Making Students are at the heart of the strategy, and we will ensure students play a central role in driving the sustainability agenda throughout the College. Students will have a say in how sustainability is delivered across the College, whilst gaining essential and desirable skills.

Colleges just beginning to address sustainability


Colleges with an established approach to sustainability and structures in place to support it Colleges which offer a leading sustainability model to others



Each ‘level’ contains a series of initiatives colleges can implement to reach net zero emissions and improve their environmental impact. Within one year of launching this strategy, we aim to be an “Established” college.

Sustainable Development Goals We recognise that sustainability is about more than just the environment. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals to transform our world designed to be a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”. They were agreed by 193 countries in September 2015.

The College approach incorporates the SDGs into its priorities and business processes at all levels. As a whole College, we will aim to positively contribute to all 17 SDGs.

FE Climate Action Roadmap https://www.eauc.org.uk/fe_roadmap Sustainable Development Goals https://sdgs.un.org/goals

Barnsley College Sustainability Strategy


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