King's Business - 1918-02


' THE KING’S BUSINESS Our Mew Evamgellst


R EADERS Qf T h e K ing ’ s B u siness will be glad to know, and rejoice with us, that in the Providence of God, Rev. Wil­ liam P. Nicholson has become identified with The Bible Institute of Los Angeles as its evangelist. This comes as a result of Mr. Nicholson’s, visit to us last summer, when, he spent a month with us, during which God used him in a remarkable way. His connection with the Institute begins with the present month of February, and he is ready to respond to invitations to hold evangelistic services, as the Lord shall direct. We shall be glad to have the co­ operation of our readers in prayer in his behalf: AN APPRECIATION The Rev. J. H. Souser, D. D., of Sha- mokin, Pa., who has been a fellow-worker with Mr. Nicholson, has this kindly word to,say of him: “Mr. Nicholson is a man of fine phys­ ique and strong personality. His tremen­ dous earnestness, his ready Irish wit, his overflowing, vitality, his stirring masculin­ ity, appeal to all. His power of descrip­ tion is remarkably graphic, and everyone who hears him feels that here is an honest, self-sacrificing, godly man, who declares the whole counsel of God, and regards not the face friend or foe. He has a mes­ sage for men in the churches and out of the churches. His appeals are eloquent and impressive, and his attitude uncom­ promising as to what he believes to be wrong. Neither men nor devils can turn him aside from his firm convictions of the right. As a preacher, he is a star of the first, magnitude; as a prophet, of the first order—strong, forceful, eloquent and scriptural. His ' arguments, sustained by his invincible logic and thorough knowl­ edge of the Word, are unanswerable.” This praise, .though strong, is well mer­ ited, for wherever Mr. Nicholson has gone

hé has been signally successful, not only in winning the hearts of sinners to himself, but, far better, in winning them to his God, and in building up professed Chris­ tians in their most holy faith. Since God has thus 'so visibly blessed him and used him in saving souls, it is well that we should know something of his eventful life, which has all the fasci­ nation of fhrilling adventure, and which has woven into its warp and woof the

magic of thé sea, the pathos of prodigal wanderings in earlier years, and the glo­ rious revealings of a full and free salva­ tion which finally came to crown his own life and to make him a blessing, to thou­ sands of others. His experience has been much like that of John Newton, who, after years spent at sea, gave himself unreserv­ edly to the service of God. HIS LIFE STORY % Mr. Nicholson had the priceless advan­ tage of careful childhood training in a -Christian home. Through the blessed in­ fluence of a' godly mother, the two brothers, and the two sisters of that home are now devoting themselves to the work of the Master, either through preaching or labor­ ing in mission fiélds. On the 3rd of April, 1876, the subject of this sketch was born‘in Bangor, County

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