King's Business - 1918-02



secuted by her own people had kept her. from confessing to them her faith in Jesus. We request your prayers that she-may have the courage to confess Christ to her friends and relatives. There came to our Mission Home one day a broken-hearted little Jewish woman. Her husband in a fit of temper had driven her out of their home and placed two of their. children in a Catholic Home. The third child, the baby, he had taken away, and in spite of her pleadings refused to tell her where he had placed it. She had for years felt inclined to accept -Christian­ ity, but on mentioning it to her husband had been so badly abused that she feared to do what she felt she should do. Now T TPON a slip of paper handed to us was scrawled, “Come at once; man dying.” Two of us hurried down to the rooming- house, in one of the toughest parts of the city, and found the little beady-eyed Japa­ nese proprietor waiting at the entrance. He led us 'up. the stairs, past staggering, drunken wrecks crawling in and out along a dark, ill-smelling corridor, to a most for­ lorn, woe-begone, filthy back room. It was night, and switching on the light we saw lying on a dirty bed, a poor fellow whom we recognized as the object of much care and attention from one of our boys, who, in the face of repeated falls, had still held on to God in his behalf. He was a most pitiful sight. We gathered from his wild, disjointed talk, that some of the old, gang had got on his track again, loaded him up with cheap booze, and then shot his old enemy—morphine—into him, and with all this, pneumonia had set in, leaving him wild and crazy, tearing at his heart, -rav­ ing, crying, panting for breath and. implor­ ing somebody to pray for him, We felt the utter impotency of all humafi help and

she was free to follow her convictions without bringing a storm upon her head, and when we presented to her God’s plan of salvation she readily accepted the One who .said, “Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out,” and, again, “Come unto me all 1 ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Already her face reflects the change in her life-, and at the close of one of our Bible classes recently she said, as she clasped a Bible to her breast, “Oh, could I have one of these?” She has since found her children, and though matters are still unsettled between herself and her husband, she is happy in the Lord and is seeking to tell out the “old, old story” to ,others. O our faith staggered under what seemed— in the light of all we knew of the case— an almost hopeless task. We got down on our knees in all that filth and cried to God with whom nothing is impossible, in the name of Him who cannot fail, and then, just waited. It couldn’t have been more than twenty minutes until he lay quiet and sleeping as a tired baby, and as the hours passed and he continued resting, We thanked God as we made all necessary arrangements for his removal to a safe and clean retreat. We are glad to report that he is coming around again, with a merci­ ful, long-suffering God waiting to give him still another chance to make good through His almighty power and unfailing grace. Will you who read these lines join with us in prayer that this poor, human derelict, once known all over the Coast as a suc­ cessful light-weight' pugilist, may yet be an equally victorious fighter under the bloodrstained banner of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ? He is able. Quite a number of new places have opened for noon-day shop-meetings, afford-


David Cant, Supt.

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