King's Business - 1918-02



voice of the Spirit with reference thereto. The Holy Spirit of God loves decency and order (xiv. 40). Can this be said to char­ acterize meetings of the “gift of tongues movement” today?: If a man is really “spiritual” he will “acknowledge” that the directions given in this chapter concerning the gift of tongues are divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit (xiv. 37). The gift of tongues as manifested in the church at Corinth was a disgrace to the Church of Christ as a whole (xiv. 33, 36- 40). The opinion of the general church assembly is, in the estimation of Paul, of some value. The opinion of the Church as a whole is not to be needlessly or shamè- lessly shocked. We can understand now, as is intimated in xii. 1, 2 and xiv. 38, the need of instruc­ tion with regard to the use and abuse of spiritual gifts. This fact is enhanced when we remember the following important things : First. The fact that the Holy Spirit, who had in the Old Testament dispensation, and up to this time, been poured out upon selected individuals—the aristocracy, as it were, of the Old Testament dispensation— was now, since the day of Pentecost,* poured out upon all believers, irrespective of age, rank, position, or sex, led naturally to the possible abuse and misunderstanding of the wondrous gifts of the Spirit, and called for instructions along these lines. Second. The existence of counterfeiters pretending to possess spiritual gifts and substituting self-originated manifestations in the place of divine and spiritual mani­ festations, necessitated clear instructions in matters pertaining to the Spirit and His gifts. Third. With the outpouring of the gifts of the Spirit, there came into the hearts of some who possessed these gifts which were loud and showy—such as the gift of tongues—envy, jealousy, and pride; whereas among those possessing the smaller and quieter gifts, discouragement was un­ doubtedly prevalent. There Was, conse­ quently, need of instruction as to what

Spirit and understanding—this is the pur­ pose of the assembly of God’s people. This is a ministry, unto edification. This is what touches the heart, brings conviction to the conscience, and builds üp in the faith (xiv. 23-25, 33). In all true worship reason is never dethroned (Romans xii; 2 Timothy i. 7). Divine inspirations are not like the diabolical and demoniacal posséssions of the heathen priests (cf. xii. 2 )—violent and ungovernable, and prompting its devotees to act as if they were ungovernable, thus doing violence to the rules of natural order, decorum, and decency, while delivering the message of God. No such manifestations accompanied the worship of God in any of the other churches, save the church at Corinth (xiv. 33, 36-40). Such a display was grossly unnatural, to say the least. Unless the manifestation of the gift of tongues is characterized by' the 'specific directions given in these chapters, then such a gift, and such a manifestation of the gift, is not of God, but is a caricature of Satan (xiv.- 32, 33, 36-38, 40). No pro­ fessed revelation of the Spirit of God com­ ing through one claiming to have, the gift of tongues is at all of God if not in ac­ cordance with the instructions of the apostle as laid down in this chapter, for it should be unhesitatingly accepted as a fact that the Spirit of God cannot contradict Himself. All modern “gift of tongues movements” are to be governed by this rule (xiv. 29). The CoHnthian Christians had formerly been idolaters, and had been in the habit of experiencing ecstasies „which caused them to lose self-control, and which were similar to these professed manifesta­ tions of the gift of tongues then existent in the church of Corinth. The difference, however, between these two ought to be apparent. The idols which they had previ­ ously worshiped were “dumb idols” (xii. 2). This is not true, however, of the Holy Spirit through whom they have been led into the experience of Christ. He is a speaking, teaching Spirit, and we are to recognize in the instructions of the apostle in this chapter concerning this gift, the

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