King's Business - 1918-02



Fall Term G raduates fT ' HE closing exercises of the Fall Term of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles were held Friday, December. 21st.' Only the_ Faculty and the students and a few friends were present, as it is not the cus­ tom of the Institute to hold a large public gathering at this time. After song and prayer,Dr. i.Torrey, for the Directors. and Faculty of the Institute, presented diplo­ mas to two young women and six young men, who had completed the two years’ course of study. Their names land what they propose to do are as follows:,. Miss Goldie E. Barman, accepted for missionary work in Africa by the Africa Inland Mission. Clarence H. Charlton, who will remain as pastor of the Duarte M. E. Church, where he has been for sbme time. C. Furuta expects to take post-graduate work at the Institute. Miss Dorothy Pratt expects to go to India as a missionary, at the Ceylon, and India General Mission. Alphonzo A. Roberts may enter the work of the American Sunday. School Union. Frank R. Stanley will continue in the pastorate- of the Union Mission Church a; Val Verde! Henry Webendorfer has been accepted as a missionary by the Bolivian Indian Mission, but will take post graduate work at the Institute for a fetv months, ' Clarence^ R. Williams will take post­ graduate work at the Institute. Miss Barman, at Dr. Torrey’s. request, made a short address in which she out­ lined something of the way in which God had led her to give up her business career, in which she had been very successful, to enter the Institute. She told also how after she had been a student for more than a year, she was led very definitely to volunteer for s'ervice in Africa. Mr. Charlton told the students how wonder­ fully God had, provided for the needs of himself and wife and little girl. Mr. Webendorfer told briefly how God saved

him and brought him into the Institute. The addresses by the young people were so manifestly in the power of the Holy Spirit that they produced what we believe to be a lasting impression ori the minds of all who heard them. The Male Quartette sang a selection and Miss Dorothy Winans sang a solo, the exercises closing with the singing of “Blest be the Tie That Binds.” ----- ---- O---------- A Strong Word A MONG the workers connected with the Billy Sunday party who were in Los Angeles during the recent campaign, no one made a larger number of. friends than “Al” Saunders, who spoke to thousands of men in the churches throughout Southern Cali­ fornia during the four months he tarried here. Mr. Saunders is one of those mar­ vellous manifestations of God’s gracious work in saving men from a-life of sin to a life of real devotion to Jesus Christ. His face, his words, his life, had a message that spoke of the power of Jesus Christ dwell­ ing in and working through him. We heart­ ily enjoyed his fellowship, as we did also that of his good wife, and would be glad, if it were the will of God, to have liim with us in the school for a season before going out on an extended evangelistic campaign. The following lines are taken from a let­ ter recently written by Mr. Saunders to a friend: “In the three and a-half years that' I have traveled and talked in this country, no place have I seen that comes so near being the perfect place of preaching and teaching God’s holy Word, as it is, and not as some man thinks it is, or ought to be, as the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. More real Christian fellowship, more Christian love, more sacrifice for one another, more of the love and desire for service in the Master’s name, than any other place I have ever seen. Nothing that I could write would begin to give you a clear concep­ tion of the Institute and its work, You must live in it as I did for four months, then you can begin to form some idea of the place. God grant that it may never lower its banner—Christ Jesus and the Gos­ pel to every creature.”

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