King's Business - 1918-02



by any observance. Laws and ordinances were to serve Him, not He them. God intends the Sabbath to be a help to man, not a hindrance and a bore. Scientists tell us that telegraph wires if rested Sunday are better conductors on Monday than Saturday. Jewels require an occasional “sleep” to retain their brilliancy. Shoes wear longer if given an occasional rest.,.' It is said that no man escapes failure in either body or mind who works seven days . in the week. When Gladstone .was asked to speak into the phonograph, that the record of his Voice might be kept, this was his message: “I owe my life and vigor, through a long and busy life, to the Sabbath Day.” Where do we find Christ again cin Sun­ day? What deed of kindness’ did He ren* der? What was the attitude of the Phari­ sees? Would they have been as hard­ hearted and critical had one of their own hands been withered? How did Christ feel toward them? Christ was grieved, not because they opposed Him, but because their hearts were so cold and selfish. Do we ever grieve Christ? We,:'as Christians, no longer under the law, but a new creation “risen with Christ,” no longer keep the Jewish Sabbath, but the Lord’s Day, the first day of the week, celebrating his resurrection from the dead. What shall we do on Sunday? Remember God first, others second, self last.

school. All ■week long mother sews and plans for you, and father works early and late in order to keep you in school. How -it hurts when Saturday /after. Saturday they look fo r' you home, but you are so occupied with other things that you forget all about them. It must grieve our Heavenly Father if we do not remember Him. The Pharisees of Christ’s time carried Sabbath observance to extremes. They foolishly called many things work, and for­ bade such things as carrying a handker­ chief or the putting out of fire. The fault found with .Christ and his friends was that pulling the corn was cutting and rubbing it, threshing. The plucking of grain was always permissible (Deut. 23:25), the fields had no fences and paths often led through them. Matthew 12:1 says they took the corn because .they were hungry. Why were these Pharisees not touched by their hun­ ger? Observe that Christ met their criticism with an instance from the Bible. Satan and the enemies of God can always be confounded if we but know the Word and can apply it. What remarkable statement did Christ make as to His relation to the Sabbath ? (v. 28). He, God, is Lord over all for all things were created by Him and for Him (Col. 1:17). Jle could not be bound


By Mrs. A. L. Dennis.

ful. They need stories of child life, stories of the Lord Jesus as He lived upon earth, showing them how they may serve and obey Him. Then there is another age of mental growth in which we have the hero- loving Juniors from about 10 to 13 years. They want to know when and where things happened. You may now teach connected history and show locations on the map and tell as vividly as possible the stories of the

T eaching HiNTS.-AMay I remind you of the need of adapting the teaching of these lessons to the age and mental development of your classes. Children under 6. years (Beginners), have a world limited by home, and they must be taught from that standpoint. ' God is ’ their loving Father whom they must love and obey. From 6 to 9 years (Primary children), ethical teach­ ing is needed.'how to be true, loving, help­

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