King's Business - 1918-02



life of Christ from birth to ascension. It is the golden memory period, and it is also in this age we expect them to give them­ selves definitely, to the Lord Jesus Christ. These lessons are planned for the older primary children. Those teaching younger ones must simplify by omitting reference to anything not within the child’s experience. Children under 6 should be taught in two periods, allowing for physical relaxation between the general talk and the Bible story. Physical exercises, such as, “In My Little Garden Bed,“ by Emilie Poulsson, may be found in the Public Library or got­ ten from any Kindergarten teacher, and will be along the line of teaching for this month. Plan if possible to have the physi­ cal exercise along the line of thought for the day. These little people should not be overtaxed with memory work. The verses must be short and simple, and one is enough for each month. Preparation.-^ (Place on the board six short white lines and beside them a seventh in colored chalk, red or blue). Children, which of these lines do you like best? I am thinking of seven things. They are much alike, blit I think one of them is ever so much "nicer than the other six. Can you think what I mean? (Let the children guess, with the help .of the teacher, if neces­ sary, until the days of the week are named). The grown-up folks sing a song in which they call it, “Day of all the week the best,” and that is what I think it is. (Suggestion is such a powerful thing, do not intimate in any way that there could be any reason for not thinking this the best day in the week). Can you give one raeson why we think it is the best day in the whole week? A rest day; yes, I think that is one reason. (The older children may briefly tell the A/TEMORY VERSE: “Remember the A Sabbath day to keep it holy.”— Exodus 20:8.

story of the “Manna,” in which the thought of preparation for this day Y>f rest is set forth). Yes; this is one reason why we love it. And what do the bells say on the Lord’s day ? Say or sing: “Come, come people," come, This the bells’ message to me, to you, Come, come, all may come, Fathers and mothers and children too.” When the Lord Jesus was here, did He go to the church on the Rest day? Let the children re-tell the story told them last month of the Lord’s teaching in the synagogue in Capernaum. Bring before the children vividly, Capernaum, the sea, the houses, the synagogue, as well a? the people we have heard about who lived there, as it is the setting for the new story this week. Tell the story of that other rest day when a man came into the synagogue where the Lord was teaching, and of the healing of the withered hand. It was probably in Jhis synagogue in Capernaum. If I could not use my hand could you make it well? Could you do anything that might help me? Yes, you could open the door or get me a chair. Does it please the Lord Jesus for us to do a kindness on the Lord’s Day? I think that is what He meant when He said, Us h right to do good on the Sabbath day ?” Now, tell me, how are we keeping this Lord’s Day ? Are we resting from all the work we should have done some other day? Are we not here in God’s house because we love Him? Have we done a kindness to someone today because we love the Lord Jesus? How many will watch for a chance to be kind and helpful to someone today? If we do, before we go to sleep tonight each one of us may know we have kept this day in a way that will please the Lord Jesus. Prayer, thanking God that we live in a country in which we have a day that may truly be the Lord’s Day.

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