King's Business - 1918-02



should leave Heaven and go to hell, what would you do then ?” He thought a moment and then said, “Missie, if Jesus should leave heaven and go to hell, I would go with him, for hell would be heaven if Jesus was there.” ■ Chosen tp. Preach .—As I write this, I have in mind a company of men that would reach up in the hundreds, who have confessed to me and said, “I was called to preach when I was a boy ox when I was first converted, but I did not heed the call.” One fellow said he knew when he was only 7 years old that God wanted him to preach. He fought against this impression until he wis 30. He learned several trades and failed in each; he became discouraged. He had a wife and one child. Finally he borrowed money and bought a green-house, spent some more to fix it up and get a stock of flowers growing. In the spring, just as he was about to realize something on his growing stock, a flood came and swept his green-house away. In his despair he went into a saloon and took a drink. He nearly went crazy fighting against his best convictions; finally in his extremity he went into the kitchen where his wife was cooking supper, and entirely oblivious of her presence kneeled down beside a chair and cried from, the depth of his heart, “Oh Lord, I will preach or do anything you want me to do.’L He is now pastor of a large church in an eastern city. Called to Power .—God never asks a child of His to work without furnishing the power to do the work. A Sunday School teacher complained that she had no conver­ sions among her eleven girls. A friend said, “Have you asked God for power?” She said, “No.” Will you kneel and claim power, not only to teach, but to lead them to Christ? She knelt and claimed what was her right in the Gospel; God filled her with His Spirit and in the next few months she led eight of the eleven girls to Christ.

with God before going ’ into the heavy day’s work. I once heard Dr. R. A. Torrey say, “I dare not let one day go by that I do not get alone with my Bible and God.”- The old Puritan said, when his son came into the library in the morning, “How many breakfasts have you had, John?” “Two,” was the answer. “One spiritual, alone with God, and one physi­ cal.” Let us plead for a generation of Godly young men. The Law of Contact .—Going to the mul­ titudes. A company of ministers and Christian workers were discussing how to reach thé multitudes and they asked Mr. Moody to speak. He said, “Come out on the corner at 6 tonight and I will show you.” At the appointed time he had a dry- goods box on the corner. Mr. Sankey mounted it and sang; the crowd gathered and Mr. Moody preached to them with „results. Going to the crowd, not sitting down and theorizing about how to get them, is what Jesus did. For a piece of lead pipe to be a blessing to a multitude it must be connected on one end with a spring of sparkling water and on the other end with a thirsty soul. On the old farm I used often to stop and hold my cup at the old watering trough for a drink. The Water would flow well for a moment, then stop, sputter, then flow again. We Chris­ tians are channels very much like that pipe, mostly sputter and stop. ■ Chosen to Be With Him .—Moist workers think they are chosen for service, but first of all they are chosen to be with Jesus. Our Lord wants workers with the spirit of the colored boy in the south, who was dying, and the missionary said, “Where are you going Jimmie?” He said, “To be with Jesus.” “Where, is Jesus?” “In Heaven,” answered Jimmie. “But supposing Jesus should leave Heaven and come to earth, what would you do?” inquired the mission­ ary. ' “I would come with him,” said Jimmie. Still going farther, the missionary asked, “But, Jimmie, supposing Jesus

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