King's Business - 1918-02




L. Dennis. went teaching and, many times, staying out all nighf talking to the Father in prayer. Wherever He went he was followed by many people who had been blind, or deaf, or sick, but the Lord Jesus Had made them well. Others wanted to be with Him because He had helped someone they loved. There were those who followed just tp hear what He said, but I am glad to say there were some who wanted to be near Him . because they loved Him. Yes, we know who some of these were (Name the four). One day the Lord Jesus was sitting in a boat near the shore of Galilee. He was teaching a great crowd of people. They had pressed so closely around that this was the best way for them all to hear. He loved them and wanted to help everyone who needed Him, but these people on the shore were not nearly all. There were fathers, mothers, and children in every city and town, many of whom needed help and all must be told, “The King has come!” He must have helpers, for it must be done quickly. When He had finished teaching, He said to the friends with Him, “Row across the lake, where we may be alone.” When they got out of the boat, He left the others and went away by himself to pray. He was going to choose His friends and help­ ers and must talk to the Father about it. They waited all night. The sun came up from behind the mountains across the lake before He came back to them. I think He told them,’IT am going to choose some of you to help take the good news over the country. I will give you power to do all that you have seen me do, that the people may know that the One who sends you is the King for whom they' have been look­ ing.” How they all must haye wished to be the chosen ones! Can you think how Peter must have felt when the Lord Jesus looked into his face and said, “Peter, I need you.” I can see him step out proudly and stand

B y Mrs. A. EMORY VERSE: “He appointed twelve that' they might be with Him and that He might send them forth to preach.”—-Mark 13:14. Preparation .—"How many of you little folks haye been helpers this week? Whom did you help:1; How? Some day mother, or father, or the teacher will have some­ thing for someone to do that will be such an honor that we will all want to be the helper. Which one will be chosen ? The one. who has done the little things, most carefully. We are never trusted with big things till we do little things well. This is true of the Heavenly Father’s work, too. First, He trusts us to be kind and loving and helpful in our. homes with mother, sister, brother and our pets. Then, He asks us ,t 6 be His helpers out in the great world. I don’t think anybody ought to go tp China, or Africa, or India, to be helpers for God unless they have been just the right kind at home. Presentation — As soon as you know what city I mean, hold up your hand to tell me. Most of the houses in this little town were white, with stairs up the outside to the flat roof, where sometimes the. mothers did their work as the. children played. If you had lived there, from the roof of your home you might have seen the beautiful, sea of Galilee, the sails of the boats of the fisher­ men upon it, the blue mountains around it, and on the other side the little white dots that were the houses in other towns. Then, you would have seen, in your own little city, the round dome (show the ishape with your hands) of the church that a rich Roman soldier had built for the Jews. Yes, I knew you would know—Capernaum by Galilee, This country was much like California. There were orange orchards and vineyards and fields of waving grain. When the orange trees were in blossom the night air was sweet with their perfume. This is the country through which the Lord Jesus

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