King's Business - 1949-10

November 13, 1949 TOWARD A CHRISTIAN JAPAN Acts 2:37-47;

Prov. 13:20 that His merit alone can meet the de­ mands of a holy God. Let us pray and give and go that Japan may have this message. The Japanese Must Know Christ John 9 :36 Anything short of the knowledge of Christ is fatal to the soul. The Japanese have been taught ancestor worship and emperor worship but they have no knowledge of the loveliness of the liv­ ing Saviour nor any personal contact with Him by faith. To many He is just a wonderful example—a man who lived a wonderful life which they should try to imitate. The Japanese must know that He is more than an example, that He is the Saviour who alone can give eternal life and does give it immediately when a so.ul trusts Him. They need to know and experience imputed righteousness and salvation by pure grace. The Japanese Must Know God’s Ways Lev. 17:11 God’s way of salvation is marked by blood. Prom the time of Adam when the coats of skin were given to him until the time of Christ, blood must be shed for sins and sinners. God never had any other way. Neither character building nor good works are a way to God. Jesus said, “I am the way . . . no man [even the Japanese] cometh unto the Father but my me.” God’s way is to provide salvation and godly living through the merits of Christ and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. The Japanese need to know God’s way. . The Japanese Must Be Taught God’s Word Isa. 54:13 God’s thoughts are revealed in and by God’s Word. God’s Word is simple but human religions are very complex. God’s Word reveals His thoughts about us. He tells us that we are lost, blind, and in the dark. He calls us enemies and ser­ pents and worms. He has no good thing whatever to say about any man who is unsaved. The Japanese need to know God’s thoughts about them and there­ fore they must know what God’s Word says. The Japanese Must Live Christian Lives Matt. 3:8 No one can live a Christian life until he is a Christian. He becomes a Chris­ tian when he accepts Christ Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. The. proof that he has received the gift of eternal life and that the Holy Spirit is present is seen in a life of godliness and devotion to the Lord who saved him. The Christian de­ sires to know God’s ways as revealed in the Bible and he will seek by God’s grace to live for God. The Christian life is a life of prayer, Bible study, godly actions, zeal in business, and earnestness for God. T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Civilization is not to be confused with Christianity. Those who go to Japan to teach them how to make bread, how to understand mathematics, how to live bet­ ter physically, will never change a lost sinner into a believing Christian. The Japanese need to know the gospel and to have a clear, simple, effective under­ standing of it. They need to know that Christ Jesus is the only Saviour and


S h i n e , M i s t e r . . . ? 99 The kid tried, but there are a lot of shoeshine boys and not enough shoes to go around. It was easier to wrap a brick in burlap and smash a window and . . . . But the cops got him. They sent him up on a ten month rap. He came out bitter and disillusioned. From now on, the world owed him a living. Then an interested civic leader steered him to a Youth for Christ rally. He heard the Gospel . . . believed . . . was born again. Shine, mister?” He looks up with a grin. "I ain’t makin’ much, but my little an’ somebody else’s little is what makes it so other guys c’n hear, too.”

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