King's Business - 1949-10

November 20, 1949 WHAT DOES "WORLD ORDER" MEAN? Mark 12:13-17; Micah 4:1-5

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World Order is Hindered Because of Christ Psa. 50:5 The only gathering center recognized by God is around the person of Jesus Christ. This truth is denied by commu­ nists, atheists, Romanists, and all hea­ then countries. Even our own wonder­ ful country would not permit the name of Christ or His person in the United Na­ tions program. It was one of our own leaders who prohibited the name of God to be mentioned when, the U.N. was formed. It would offend those who have no use for Christ and this is the vast majority of the world. There can be no cohesion between lovers of Christ and enemies of Christ. World Order is Hindered by Human Nature Jer. 17:9 Men are greedy; men are jealous. They have personal aims and national aims which conflict with those of their neigh­ bors. There can be no world order until men’s hearts are changed. This change can only come about through the gospel of God’s grace, and the converting power of the Holy Spirit. Men want what is next to them. Men want power and free­ dom of action. There are always some men whose desires and abilities are greater than others and these gain the ascendancy. Thus there are disorder, war, and jealousy. Christ alone has the answer. Every man has his own idea about how to remedy the things that are wrong. These views are contradicted and opposed by those of opposite views. Each group demands that its program of so­ cial order be accepted by others. The re­ sult is revolution, upheaval, hatred, and war. We must know the mind of Christ and let that mind be in us if we would have peace among nations. The enemies of God and of His Word are divided into many groups. Each group has a leader and demands abso­ lute obedience from all others. Stalin and the Pope are two world leaders who are bent on prohibiting the salvation of any soul through faith in Jesus Christ. They are determined to prevent the read­ ing of the Scripture if possible. In our own country in certain localities, children who received Gideon Testaments were forced to give them up to their local church authorities to be burned. In the countries behind the iron curtain the Scriptures are not wanted. World Order is Hindered by Men’s Views Prov. 16:25 World Order is Hindered by Leadership John 5:43

The Bible never speaks of “one world” nor of “world order.” It does tell us that under the reign of the Antichrist there will be universal order. Then a short time later1under'the Lord Jesus there will be the millennium of blessing throughout the world. The world has been in disor­ der ever since Adam fell. Probably over 725 peace treaties have been made and broken. No man-made covenant has ever endured. God’s children and the devil’s children can never agree. The devil’s children do not agree among themselves. We live in a chaotic world. HANDWORK REALLY TEACHES

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