King's Business - 1949-10

JUST OFF THE PRESS First Edition—ROMANOS. Span­ ish edition of Romans verse by verse by William R. Newell. Cloth $2.25. Paper $1.50. Fifth Edition—ORACION (Span­ ish edition prayer by J. H. Mc- Conkey. 122 pages. Paper 30 cents.

November 27, 1949 WHAT PRICE "ONE WORLD"? Phil. 2:11; Matt. 25:31-46

There is no common brotherhood of man. The nations are distinct and sep­ arate. They are made of one blood, that is true, but “God hath set the bounds of their habitation.” Israel was definitely taught not to intermarry nor mix in any way with the heathen nations around them. This.principle is still true. Chris­ tians are a holy nation, a separated peo­ ple, and not a part of the world. They have been “taken out of the world.” Men Differ Because of Idolatry 2 Cor. 6:17 The Greek Catholic church has its own idols. The Roman Catholics have their idols. The Japanese have their idols. The Americans worship the dollar, sport, pleasure, and lust. These never can and never will agree until the Antichrist makes a covenant of peace and reigns. Each group thinks that its idols are the proper ones and the only ones. Each group is militant and diligent in enforc­ ing their beliefs on their neighbors. Each group is cruel, rebellious, and heartless. There never can be one world while men’s hearts are wicked. Men Differ Because of Greed John 7 :18 Russia wants the oil wells of Pales­ tine and so does Great Britain and so does the United States. The strongest nation will get them. Men want the gold mines of the world, the tin mines, and the diamond mines. Japan wanted the rubber plantations and got them. This greed for earthly riches sets nations at war for greed is not governed by grace. Unbridled greed knows nothing of God’s way or God’s plans. Greed prevents one world. Men Differ Because of Their Nature 1 Cor. 2:14 Man is so utterly lost that his thoughts are far, far from God’s thoughts. Man plans for himself, alone. Nations plan for themselves. Groups plan for themselves. It is natural that the animal nature should grasp all that it can and hold those, gains securely. Only the Lord Jesus can break and adjust that situa­ tion. When He gives eternal life to a lost man, that man is filled with the graces of heaven and is in happy union with all other believers in every nation. Men Differ Because of the Bible John 10:19 The Word of God is understood only

by and through the Spirit of God. The Bible condemns everything that is wrong and promotes everything that is right. For this reason, men hate the Scripture and even religious groups hin­ der its propagation. The Bible condemns every program of social service that omits Christ Jesus and His precious blood. The Bible is opposed to every movement that seeks to link men to­ gether outside of Christ and outside the realm of eternal life. No such program will ever succeed.

Fourth Edition—DANIEL. By W. C. Stevens. World events invite fresh meditation on this prophecy. Highly recommended by Dr. James M. Gray. 224 Pages. Cloth $1.50. Second Edition—BIBLE BASIS OF MISSIONS. By Dr. Robert H. Glover. The missionary problem from Abraham to the end of this age. Mission classes order in quantities. Cloth, 208 pages, $1.75. Bible House of Los Angeles, Inc. 927 S. Westmoreland Ave., Los Angeles 6, Calif. We have ministered to Latin America for nearly 50 years. Share in our ministry at least by PRAYER.

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