King's Business - 1949-10

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Pointers on the Lesson, H om er A . K e n t , T h .D . Helps for the Children, A l l iso n A rrowood

Lesson material is based upon outlines of the International Sunday School Lessons copyrighted by the International Council of Religious Education; used by permission.

Nov. 6, 1949 GOD COMFORTS HIS PEOPLE Isa. 40:27-31; 41:10-13; 61:1-3

Pointers on the Lesson This week’s lesson is taken from the second major section of the prophecy of Isaiah. Many consider these chapters the most sublime portion of the Old Testa­ ment and also the most important. No portion of the Scripture gives a clearer description of the times of the Messiah both in His first and second comings. There is much of comfort in these chap­ ters. The commentator Barnes inclines to the belief that the prophet has in mind the children of Israel in captivity in Babylon. He comforts them with the thought of the coming deliverance and restoration. But also through the law of prophetic suggestion the prophet looks forward to a day yet in the future when Messiah will come and bring full deliver­ ance to all who are His own. But in any time there is comfort for God’s people. He is able to deliver in any experience. Thus the prophet’s message is for us today. The Basis for Comfort 40:27-31 God is strong enough to provide com­ fort. He is no weakling. He is the crea­ tor of all things. Such a One as this can minister strength to His children in their time of need. He is sufficient for every experience. The prophet therefore bids us all “wait upon the Lord.” They who do so will be strengthened. Quite likely the waiting upon the Lord in verse 31 refers to the proper attitude in relation to Christ’s second coming. Surely there is strength and blessing for those who are “looking for that blessed hope” (Tit. 2 :13). But it is also true that waiting upon the Lord in prayer, submission and trust, brings strength which is accompanied by com­ fort. The Persistence of Comfort 41:10-13 Times may be difficult, enemies may abound, the days may be dark, yet the child of God need not fear, for God

will not forsake His own. Remember the words of the Psalmist who said, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me” (Psa. 23:4). So in the passage before us, the prophet pre­ sents God as ever present to aid His children. There may be enemies who would seek to bring defeat to them but they shall not prevail. The Lord will continue to hold the hand of every one of His own. Not one of them shall slip through His fingers. See John 10:28-29. The safety of the believer is a source of real comfort to every Christian. The Saviour Who Comforts 61:1-3 This is the passage that Jesus quoted in the synagogue at Nazareth. Compare Luke 4:18-21. Both Christ’s first and second advents are presented in these verses. We have a fine example of how the prophets often see things together, two events at one glance. One should note carefully that Jesus did not quote all of the Isaiah passage. He left off in the middle of verse 2, because He was only fulfilling that much of the prophecy in connection with His first advent. The day of vengeance, etc. awaits His sec­ ond advent. In connection with our Lord’s ministry in both advents, it is interesting to note that the element of comfort is present. He is the comforting Saviour. Through Him the One whom we worship is “the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribula­ tion” (2 Cor. 1:3, 4). BIBLE QUIZ (Continued from Page 15) 1. I Chronicles 7. Exodus 2. Esther 8. Daniel 3. Ezra 9. I Samuel 4. Ruth 10. Leviticus 5. Deuteronomy 11. Obadiah 6. Proverbs 12. Ezra THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NE SS



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