King's Business - 1949-10

Nov. 13, 1949 PERFECTED THROUGH SUFFERING Isa. 53:1-12


Pointers on the Lesson Some chapters in the Bible stand out like mountain peaks. The fifty-third chapter of Isaiah is one of these. It is the climax of Old Testament revelation. It is the classic on vicarious suffering. Every word deserves careful considera­ tion. One needs not so much to study this chapter as to feed upon it. The way of redemption is clearly set forth in this passage. In it we have a faithful picture of the suffering Servant of Jehovah. The Nature of His Incarnation vv. 1, 2 The report of Messiah’s first coming was not believed. The arm of the Lord though extended in mighty revelation was not perceived by many. The birth and development of Christ was to be unusual. He came from the dried, de­ spised stock of Israel. In the “root out of a dry ground” many see a veiled suggestion of the Virgin Birth. Surely it is an unusual thing for roots to grow

in dry ground. The primary reference here, however, is doubtless to the life­ less, unfertile condition of Israel at the time of Messiah’s coming into this life. The form of the Coming One was. not to be pretentious. There was not to be in Him the beauty that men would natural­ ly expect in the case of a king. Christ did not come in royal splendor. The expression “no beauty” in Him has to do with Messiah’s abasement rather than to His personal appearance. He came in humility. His Rejection by His Own People v. 3 With this verse Handel opens the sec­ ond part of his Messiah. It is said that at this point in the composition, he was found weeping. Well might he have wept, for not only is Israel guilty before God in the matter of the death of Christ, but the whole world rejected Him. All our sins had a part in putting Him on Calvary. Note each phrase of this verse and let its clear meaning permeate your soul. Messiah’s Ministry as a Sin-Bearer vv. 4-7 All that Christ does in these verses is for needy men. He ministered to our griefs,' our sorrows, our transgressions, our iniquities, our peace. The word “wounded” in v. 5 is from a Hebrew word meaning “to bore through, to per­ forate, to pierce.” Thus we have the Calvary experience graphically set be­ fore us 700 years before the time. In all this passage the prophet reminds us that Christ’s sufferings were to be vicar­ ious. Verse 7 suggests their voluntary nature. He uttered no word of complaint. It was what He purposed to do for men. His Unfair Trial and Significant Burial w . 8, 9 The words “taken from prison and from judgment” are rendered in the Revision “by oppression and judgment He was taken away.” That is, by oppres­ sion and a judicial sentence, He was dragged to death. The prophecy regard­ ing His burial received a remarkable fulfillment. Especially, the latter part which speaks of His being buried “with the rich.” Two well-to-do men honored Him at His death, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus. The part which speaks of His grave being with the wicked doubtless means that His crucifiers so intended it to be inasmuch as He was crucified between two thieves but God intervened and the result was otherwise. His Glorious Reward vv. 10-12 Calvary issues in satisfaction for the Saviour. When all the saints come troop­ ing into heaven the amazing results of His work will be evident.

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