Nov. 20,
, 1949 INVITATION :1-11
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Pointers on the Lesson The chapter before us today has been called “ The Great Gospel Invitation of Isaiah.” This is a good title for it. There are doubtless primary references to Israel in the chapter. National promises to God’s chosen people are to be seen (3-5). And we know that in the future day when Israel is redeemed the invita tion to salvation will go forth to all na tions. But it is just as true now that the divine invitation to salvation goes forth by God’s Spirit and wherever individuals respond there is a holy result. The blessed effect of the work of the Re deemer when He was here was to lay the foundation so that a universal invitation could go forth to all men to be saved. The Simplicity of the Invitation vv. 1-3 Notice the simple words that are used to make clear the meaning of the invi tation: “come . . . buy . . . eat . . . de light . . . incline . . . hear.” The Spirit of God has taken words with which all men are familiar and used them to press home the privilege that men have of com ing into the divine relat'onship. It is not a hard thing to become a Christian. It was hard for God to provide the Gospel to save men but man can receive easily and freely. It is like coming to a happy place. It is like buying something when someone rich pays the bill. It is like eating a luscious meal. God invites men to receive what He has already done for them. That is salvation. The Result of Accepting the Invitation v. 3 Two things should be noted in this connection: (1) “your soul shall live” . . . life — full, free, divine, eternal be comes the possession of the born-again soul. (2) “the sure mercies of David” . . . realization of the promises made to David and hence to all of God’s children through David becomes the blessing of those accepting God’s invitat'on. God is on the giving hand. Exceeding great and precious are the promises which it is our privilege to live by if we know the Lord. The Supreme Attraction of the Invitation vv. 4, 5 What makes the invitation so incom parable is the One to Whom man is invited to come. God says, “ Behold, I have given him.” Christ is the One meant. He bore witness unto death for God. He is the light which lighteth men into the City of God. (See John 18:37 and Rev. 1:5.) Unless the individual sees Christ in his religious experience he will have no vital spiritual experi ence. The Urgency of Response . vv. 6, 7 It is necessary that men do something with God’s offers of mercy. If it is es-
sential that we do something with invi tations in our human relationships how much more essential that we do some thing about the divine invitation. This is where human responsibility enters in with great importance. Man must do something with Christ and with His Gospel. The High Origin of the Invitation vv. 8-11 Man would never have thought of such a salvation as we have presented to us in the gospel. It is “higher than your ways.” The gospel came from heaven and it can bring men to heaven. Helps for the Children All People May Come to God Isa. 55; 56:6-8 Memory Verse: “Mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people” (Isa. 5:7). Part of Isaiah’s message to the sinful Jews told •of the everlasting salvation which was to be theirs in the future. God plead with His people to stop wast ing their money and time upon those things which did not honor Him. He promised that if they would forsake their wicked ways, He would have mercy upon them and abundantly pardon them. God promised His people that His Word should not return unto Him void, but that it should do all that He pleased. To those who faithfully served Him, God promised joy in His house of prayer: for His house was to be called “an house of prayer for all people.” Do you enjoy going to God’s house; do you greatly miss Sunday school and church when you are unable to attend them? Some boys and girls, even those who are Christians, go to God’s house only because their parents insist upon their going or only because they want to see their friends. Those who love their Lord as they should, find real joy in be ing in His house and with His people. Remember that God’s house is for all people. In some churches a person of another race or one who is poor or un attractive is “snubbed,” whispered about, and laughed at. The world will not be kind to such people, but they should be able to find true happiness and joy when they are with those who love the Lord Jesus. If you have complained about going to God’s house, pray that the Holy Spirit will give you such a love for your Saviour that you can scarcely wait to be with His people. If you cannot un derstand all of the sermon or all of the lesson, let your heart talk with your Lord. Tell Him how much you love Him and talk with Him about all your joys and problems. Make each hour in His house a time of real worship and com panionship with your Lord. Then you will eagerly await each opportunity to share in worship with His children. T H E K I N G ' S BUS I N E S S
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